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Problem with Unicode in Terminal of Visual Studio Code #212832

Open theuserbl opened 2 weeks ago

theuserbl commented 2 weeks ago

In Visual Studio 1.89.1 on Windows 21H1 Build 19043.1526 this file is wrong shown in terminal:

For it is needed to install Cascadia Code 2404.23: (on that side you can also see a screenhsot, where the "Demo screen.txt" file is displayed corrent)

Then go in Visual Studio Code on the left bottom to the "Manage" icon and select "settings". Under ""Text Editor" -> "Font" change Font Family from "Consolas, 'Courier New', monospace" to "Cascadia Mono".

Then you can see the right font displays some parts right. But at the end it looks wrong.


In Windows-Terminal 1.19.11213.0 with used Cascadia Mono 2404.23, then it shows all right. And in the terminal of Ubuntu, it shows it right, too, if Cascadia Mono 2404.23 is selected as font.

meganrogge commented 2 weeks ago

does changing terminal.integrated.gpuAcceleration help?

theuserbl commented 2 weeks ago

No, don't help. I have tested with "auto", "on", "off" and "canvas". With "off" the font is widen a little but. But all other is exactly the same.