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Adding launch config "name" to terminal title variables (terminal.integrated.tabs.title) #212952

Open dimateos opened 2 weeks ago

dimateos commented 2 weeks ago

I would like to rename my terminal titles to reflect the launch config name to avoid the following when debugging cpp:

image very useful when debugging network applications [...] it's hard to differentiate between

There was a request to add a "terminalTitle" or similar field to each launch config, but this requires adding features for each debugger type. So far in the case of cpp there is no such feature yet.

At that time, I guess there was no settign to customize terminal titles (terminal.integrated.tabs.title). Furthermore, adding custom terminal titles to the launch configurations now would interfere with (or get ignored by) terminal.integrated.tabs.title.

So seems the most logical feature to introduce a variable name {configuration} tu the current set (copied here for reference):

{configuration} would be pretty similar to {task}, in its case it would only get a value in the context of being spawn by a launched debugging config etc

Best regards!

VSCodeTriageBot commented 1 week ago

This feature request is now a candidate for our backlog. The community has 60 days to upvote the issue. If it receives 20 upvotes we will move it to our backlog. If not, we will close it. To learn more about how we handle feature requests, please see our documentation.

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