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Disable accept suggestion on tab key #212961

Closed psychicteeth closed 1 week ago

psychicteeth commented 2 weeks ago

At the moment, you can add Enter as an extra key to accept suggestions from the suggestion tooltip. However, you cannot disable Tab as an accept input. Tab is also used for switching between fields in some editor inputs, for instance in fields of a for loop definition snippet.

This causes inadvertent insertion of suggestions when tabbing through such fields, or a laborious extra press of the escape key to dismiss the suggestion box.

It would be good to be able to further customise which key accepts a suggestion.

Alternatively, it might be nice for the suggestion pop up to disappear when the current highlighted term is a fully formed identifier, as I often end up needing to hit enter to dismiss it after writing out a complete identifier.

psychicteeth commented 2 weeks ago

Oh my god, I just found "Snippets Prevent Quick Suggestions". This fixes the issue for me. Sorry for the bother.