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Allow multiple folders and multiple files (nested or not) #213008

Open Calkines opened 2 weeks ago

Calkines commented 2 weeks ago

Hello, I know that already exist a feature to create multiple nested folders. But there isn't a feature to create not nested multiple folders. It would be great to have it.

For example:

When click "New Folder" Enter: "{folder1/{folder2,folder3,folder4}".... It will create a tree of Folders folder1>folder2,folder3,folder4 (at same level). Idk if how we could invest in this, but combine this with multiple files creation sounds good too. e.g. In that way: Enter: "{folder1/{folder2[file1.js,file2.js],folder3[file1.js],folder4}".... it will create folders: folder1>folder2,folder3,folder4, and inside folder2, two js files, and one file to folder3.

We talked about a releated subject in #30744, but isn't the same ideia.

VSCodeTriageBot commented 1 week ago

This feature request is now a candidate for our backlog. The community has 60 days to upvote the issue. If it receives 20 upvotes we will move it to our backlog. If not, we will close it. To learn more about how we handle feature requests, please see our documentation.

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