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Indentation fails when multiple lines are selected, selection starts with a space and word suggestion is enabled #213024

Open dandev486 opened 2 weeks ago

dandev486 commented 2 weeks ago

Does this issue occur when all extensions are disabled?: Yes

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Set editor.suggest.showWords to true

  2. Create a new text file with the contents below

foo bar baz
  1. Perform the same steps as in the video below, trying to indentate at every change of selected text, it will work fine as long as the selection doesn't start with a space.

Screencast from 2024-05-18 22-09-03.webm

  1. Set editor.suggest.showWords to false

  2. Repeat the selection and indentation steps from step 3 as in the video below, it will work fine regardless the selection starting with a space or not.

Screencast from 2024-05-18 22-09-37.webm

Expected Behaviour: Indentation works independently of a multiline selection starting with a space or not and either if the setting is set false or true.

Please let me know if additional information is required. Thanks in advance!