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VSC not supported under Spectrum LSF ? #214236

Open fbouffanet opened 3 months ago

fbouffanet commented 3 months ago

Does this issue occur when all extensions are disabled?: Yes

Steps to Reproduce: You need to do the test under LSF environment: We are using the following command in our environment : bsub -q gui -R rh80 code -w -n

  1. At the very beginning, all processes are remaining under LSF control: [root@gnbsx51628 ~]# ps -fu bouffane f UID PID PPID C STIME TTY STAT TIME CMD bouffane 3779846 2952430 0 15:44 ? Sl 0:00 /sw/platform/lsf/10.1/linux3.10-glibc2.17-x8664/etc/res -d /sw/platform/lsf/conf -m gnbsx26091 /tmp/1717508639.98663 bouffane 3779861 3779846 0 15:44 ? S 0:00 _ /bin/sh /tmp/1717508639.98663 bouffane 3779863 3779861 0 15:44 ? S 0:00 \ /bin/tcsh -f /sw/platform/lsf/custom/bin/js_new_postcmd.csh code -w -n bouffane 3779869 3779863 0 15:44 ? S 0:00 \ sh /sw/freetools/vsc/1.87.2/rh8064/bin/code -w -n bouffane 3779874 3779869 0 15:44 ? Sl 0:00 \ /sw/freetools/vsc/1.87.2/rh80_64/bin/../code /sw/freetools/vsc/1.87.2/rh8064/bin/../resources/app/out/cli.j bouffane 3779892 3779874 4 15:44 ? Ssl 0:01 \ /sw/freetools/vsc/1.87.2/rh7064/code --no-sandbox -w -w -n --waitMarkerFilePath /tmp/98663.tmpdir/8D6LW bouffane 3779905 3779892 0 15:44 ? S 0:00 \ /sw/freetools/vsc/1.87.2/rh7064/code --type=zygote --no-zygote-sandbox --no-sandbox bouffane 3779908 3779892 0 15:44 ? S 0:00 \ /sw/freetools/vsc/1.87.2/rh7064/code --type=zygote --no-sandbox bouffane 3782121 3779908 9 15:44 ? Sl 0:03 | \ /sw/freetools/vsc/1.87.2/rh7064/code --type=renderer --crashpad-handler-pid=3781547 --enable-cr bouffane 3781624 3779892 0 15:44 ? Sl 0:00 \ /sw/freetools/vsc/1.87.2/rh7064/code --type=utility --utility-sub-type=network.mojom.NetworkService bouffane 3781706 3779892 1 15:44 ? Sl 0:00 \ /sw/freetools/vsc/1.87.2/rh7064/code --type=gpu-process --disable-gpu-sandbox --no-sandbox --crashp bouffane 3782760 3779892 5 15:44 ? Sl 0:01 \ /sw/freetools/vsc/1.87.2/rh7064/code --type=utility --utility-sub-type=node.mojom.NodeService --lan bouffane 3782764 3779892 0 15:44 ? Sl 0:00 \ /sw/freetools/vsc/1.87.2/rh7064/code --type=utility --utility-sub-type=node.mojom.NodeService --lan bouffane 3782859 3779892 3 15:44 ? Sl 0:01 \ /sw/freetools/vsc/1.87.2/rh7064/code --type=utility --utility-sub-type=node.mojom.NodeService --lan bouffane 3785918 3782859 0 15:44 ? Sl 0:00 \ /sw/freetools/vsc/1.87.2/rh70_64/code /sw/freetools/vsc/1.87.2/rh70_64/resources/app/extensions/ bouffane 3781547 1 0 15:44 ? Sl 0:00 /sw/freetools/vsc/1.87.2/rh70_64/chrome_crashpad_handler --monitor-self-annotation=ptype=crashpad-handler --no-rate-limit --

  2. if we open a file, LSF RES daemon is exiting. We cannot see any more 3779846 and 3779861 processes. They have gone

[root@gnbsx51628 ~]# ps -fu bouffane f UID PID PPID C STIME TTY STAT TIME CMD bouffane 3882970 1 0 15:48 ? S 0:00 /bin/tcsh -f /sw/platform/tools/cleanup/bin/postcmd.csh bouffane 3883974 3882970 5 15:48 ? S 0:00 \ python3 /sw/platform/tools/cleanup/bin/ bouffane 3781547 1 0 15:44 ? Sl 0:00 /sw/freetools/vsc/1.87.2/rh70_64/chrome_crashpad_handler --monitor-self-annotation=ptype=crashpad-handler --no-rate-limit -- bouffane 3779892 1 1 15:44 ? Ssl 0:03 /sw/freetools/vsc/1.87.2/rh7064/code --no-sandbox -w -w -n --waitMarkerFilePath /tmp/98663.tmpdir/8D6LWPTD bouffane 3779905 3779892 0 15:44 ? S 0:00 \ /sw/freetools/vsc/1.87.2/rh7064/code --type=zygote --no-zygote-sandbox --no-sandbox bouffane 3779908 3779892 0 15:44 ? S 0:00 \ /sw/freetools/vsc/1.87.2/rh7064/code --type=zygote --no-sandbox bouffane 3782121 3779908 2 15:44 ? Sl 0:06 | \ /sw/freetools/vsc/1.87.2/rh7064/code --type=renderer --crashpad-handler-pid=3781547 --enable-crash-reporter=15585ca bouffane 3781624 3779892 0 15:44 ? Sl 0:00 \ /sw/freetools/vsc/1.87.2/rh7064/code --type=utility --utility-sub-type=network.mojom.NetworkService --lang=en-US --serv bouffane 3781706 3779892 0 15:44 ? Sl 0:01 \ /sw/freetools/vsc/1.87.2/rh7064/code --type=gpu-process --disable-gpu-sandbox --no-sandbox --crashpad-handler-pid=37815 bouffane 3782760 3779892 1 15:44 ? Sl 0:03 \ /sw/freetools/vsc/1.87.2/rh7064/code --type=utility --utility-sub-type=node.mojom.NodeService --lang=en-US --service-sa bouffane 3882822 3779892 1 15:48 ? Sl 0:00 \ /sw/freetools/vsc/1.87.2/rh7064/code --type=utility --utility-sub-type=node.mojom.NodeService --lang=en-US --service-sa bouffane 3882838 3779892 6 15:48 ? Sl 0:01 \ /sw/freetools/vsc/1.87.2/rh7064/code --type=utility --utility-sub-type=node.mojom.NodeService --lang=en-US --service-sa bouffane 3884010 3882838 1 15:48 ? Sl 0:00 \ /sw/freetools/vsc/1.87.2/rh70_64/code /sw/freetools/vsc/1.87.2/rh70_64/resources/app/extensions/json-language-featur

Is it possible to run safely VS Code under LSF environment which is used for HPC ? Do we have some specific settings to configure ?

Many thanks

Best Regards

VSCodeTriageBot commented 3 months ago

Thanks for creating this issue! It looks like you may be using an old version of VS Code, the latest stable release is 1.89.1. Please try upgrading to the latest version and checking whether this issue remains.

Happy Coding!