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Put shell integration prompt reporting behind a setting #215482

Closed Tyriar closed 2 days ago

Tyriar commented 2 weeks ago

To verify when quality = stable:

  1. Enable trace logging
  2. Open Terminal output channel
  3. Open a pwsh terminal
  4. Ensure P;Prompt is not in the output
  5. Open a bash terminal
  6. Ensure P;Prompt is not in the output
alexr00 commented 3 days ago

@Tyriar does this require a sable build to verify?

Tyriar commented 3 days ago

Yes, or out of sources with quality=stable

rzhao271 commented 3 days ago

Step 4 fails. Step 6 seems fine. I have quality=stable and I'm on Windows 11.

P;Prompt is still shown in Step 4