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Breakpoint classes have no property for triggered breakpoints #215944

Open pmoura opened 1 month ago

pmoura commented 1 month ago

When creating a new triggered breakpoint and handling debug.onDidChangeBreakpoints events, there's no breakpoint property that allows distinguishing between a unconditional breakpoint and a triggered breakpoint so that a language extension can perform any required actions. This could be solved by adding a waitFor ~string~ location property, similar to the existing properties for the other types of breakpoints.

roblourens commented 1 month ago

Can you explain the problem some more? What does a language extension need to distinguish them for?

pmoura commented 1 month ago

How else can a language debugger know that it should only break at the triggered breakpoint if the specified breakpoint was hit first?

In the particular case of the language extension that I'm developing, the debugger tool is able to handle all types of breakpoints except triggered breakpoints as VSCode BreakpointsChangeEvent argument doesn't provide the necessary information.

pmoura commented 1 month ago

Also, the Breakpoint classes provide condition (for conditional breakpoints), hitCondition (for hit count breakpoints), and logMessage (for log points) properties. What makes triggered breakpoints an exception here? Why not keep the breakpoints API consistent?

pmoura commented 1 month ago

If you're curious about the actual language extension code, its repo is at:

The function that handles the breakpoints is defined at:

The Logtalk debugger tool runs in the integrated terminal with the communication of the breakpoint changes using a proxy vscode object.

roblourens commented 1 month ago

I see, it looks like you're basically using extension API to implement something like a debugger, rather than a debug adapter using DAP:

But yeah, I guess triggered breakpoints haven't made it to the extension API yet. They are fairly new.

pmoura commented 1 month ago

I'm looking into a partial, inline implementation of a debugger adapter. But it's not yet clear if it will work due to mismatches between VSCode and the language debugger and their features and limitations. In the particular case of triggered breakpoints, these are already supported by the language debugger and only the missing waitFor (or similarly named property) in VSCode *Breakpoint classes prevent the integration here.

Thanks for adding this feature request to the backlog. Looking forward to its implementation, which I hope will be fairly simple.

connor4312 commented 1 month ago

You may also want to check out the DebugAdapterTracker which lets you inspect communication to a DA