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Horizontal Character Numbers #216891

Open RokeJulianLockhart opened 2 weeks ago

RokeJulianLockhart commented 2 weeks ago

As aforerequested in, I would like a horizontal line number bar. explains some reasons that this is desirable, although not all are applicable due to its focus on permalink URIs:

An example is, where I am forced to cite a text fragment directive appended to the end of a permalink to a line number - - in order to reference a specific *section of a line*. The 10 upvotes at, and the existence of, should demonstrate that significant interest exists.

This would be useful in VS Code for a similar reason - frequently, I want to reference a section of my code. When the lines are long, this can be challenging, so I usually exit VS Code and enter the GitHub or GitLab repository's GUI for the code file in the relevant commit, where I then create a permalink URI to the line. Were this feature - the horizontal line number ruler - implemented in VS Code, I would be able to locate the exact line and character numbers, then go to GitHub and find easily the exact section again, where I could create the permalink much quicker.

I've refiled this because I would not have upvoted that referenced issue due to it combining this feature with another which I have no interest in. I file this to suggest separately, and record more accurately support for, this specific feature.


You can see an example of something similar in LibreOffice:


However, VS Code already supports similar features, like the ability to visit a specific line and column (as describes) and VS Code's ability to display the current line and column in its status bar, as demonstrates.

VSCodeTriageBot commented 2 weeks ago

This feature request is now a candidate for our backlog. The community has 60 days to upvote the issue. If it receives 20 upvotes we will move it to our backlog. If not, we will close it. To learn more about how we handle feature requests, please see our documentation.

Happy Coding!