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Source control have to CONSTANTLY log in #217667

Open Sof2222 opened 4 days ago

Sof2222 commented 4 days ago

Type: Bug

Hi! since the last update I have to constantly be reauthenticating git by using gh auth login in the terminal in order for changes to sync to the repo. Have not had this issue before the most recent update but it is very infuriating and time consuming... I should not have to do this every 5 minutes when I need to sync it.

VS Code version: Code 1.90.2 (5437499feb04f7a586f677b155b039bc2b3669eb, 2024-06-18T22:54:35.075Z) OS version: Darwin arm64 23.4.0 Modes:

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lszomoru commented 3 days ago

@TylerLeonhardt, were there any GH auth related changes in the latest release?

TylerLeonhardt commented 3 days ago

I have to constantly be reauthenticating git by using gh auth login

This seems like an issue related to the gh CLI?... @Sof2222 do you see this when syncing your git repo from a terminal outside of VS Code?

@lszomoru remind me the order of operations... if gh is auth'd properly, I assume that will be used over the auth state in VS Code?

lszomoru commented 2 days ago

VS Code always sits at the end of the auth pipeline so if there are any auth providers configured (ex: git credential manager) the will be honoured. If the auth request reaches VS Code, and is hosted on GitHub, the vscode.github extension implements a credential provider that will just use the github-authentication extension to get a token and use that for the git operation.

@Sof2222, do you mind providing a screenshot of the login prompt that you see for a git operation? Thanks!

Sof2222 commented 2 days ago


Sorry for the late replies here, was out yesterday.

I actually have 2 github accounts - this one which has copilot access and another one which has repo access.

I have had this issue here for a while:

It is progressivly getting worse it seems though.

So this account is logged into github as it needs to be in order for copilot to work. The other account however is what I need to use to push to the repo. It used to be I could be logged into both accounts but maybe half a year ago something changed and I was no longer able to be logged into both in vs code itself and it was either 'one or the other' - so either this one was 'active' for all or the other one was active for all.

I found a workaround by logging in with gh auth login with the one I wanted to push to github - only had to redo this when I restarted my computer at that stage.

Since I updated vs code very recently however, I have been constantly (like i have to fill it in twice and it is asking near constantly) the 'git-credential-osxkeychain wants to access key "" in your keychain' (adding as an attachment). Perhaps there is an issue there - (note I have not updated my OS or anything else within the last few months)

I think it is accessing the one stored on this account (which has copilot but not repo access) so when I go to push, it tells me I have no access. I then have to login again with gh auth login before it pushes through to the repo. (but then it pops up asking for the keychain access again)

Am unsure if my flow is the most ideal, but its what I figured out to work for me (I use the source control tab to push to git)

Screenshot 2024-06-27 at 10 58 09 AM

I am guessing that it is constantly asking for the keychain is overriding gh auth login? But yet again - I am not sure at all about the backend of how git works (am no expert there, just using it)