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terminal is unable to find default browser using CTRL+click on HTTP link #220164

Closed rajinder-yadav closed 2 months ago

rajinder-yadav commented 2 months ago

Type: Bug

From the terminal window, when I CTRL+click on a HTTP link, before it use to open it in the default browser. NoW I get an error (see pic)


I have checked my system setting and I have "Brave Browser" set as my default. Also if I perfrom the same operation from my system terminal, CTRL+cliking on the link will open the browser.

FYI: I am running a Angular app from the terminal, the output to the terminal looks like this:

$ ng s 
Initial chunk files | Names         |  Raw size
styles.css          | styles        | 380.05 kB | 
polyfills.js        | polyfills     |  88.34 kB | 
scripts.js          | scripts       |  78.54 kB | 
main.js             | main          |   1.48 kB | 

                    | Initial total | 548.40 kB

Application bundle generation complete. [0.938 seconds]

Watch mode enabled. Watching for file changes...
NOTE: Raw file sizes do not reflect development server per-request transformations.
  ➜  Local:   http://localhost:4200/
  ➜  press h + enter to show help

VS Code version: Code - Insiders 1.92.0-insider (34f8428e4b0e3bf822f4b9e8b4e3e0cab69ef2ce, 2024-07-04T05:48:51.656Z) OS version: Linux x64 6.9.7-1-default Modes:

System Info |Item|Value| |---|---| |CPUs|AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 12-Core Processor (24 x 4000)| |GPU Status|2d_canvas: enabled
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A/B Experiments ``` vsliv368:30146709 vspor879:30202332 vspor708:30202333 vspor363:30204092 vsc_aa:30263845 vscod805cf:30301675 vsaa593cf:30376535 py29gd2263:31024238 c4g48928:30535728 2i9eh265:30646982 962ge761:30841072 pythongtdpath:30726887 welcomedialog:30812478 pythonnoceb:30776497 asynctok:30898717 dsvsc013:30777762 dsvsc014:30777825 dsvsc015:30821418 pythonregdiag2:30926734 pythonmypyd1:30859725 h48ei257:31000450 pythontbext0:30879054 accentitlementst:30870582 dsvsc016:30879898 dsvsc017:30880771 dsvsc018:30880772 cppperfnew:30980852 pythonait:30973460 jchc7451:31067543 chatpanelt:31014475 01bff139:31013167 a69g1124:31018687 dvdeprecation:31040973 dwnewjupyter:31046869 nb_pri_only:31057983 nativerepl2:31071685 refactort:31084545 pythonrstrctxt:31089940 4930e709:31088354 ```

System info

Operating System: openSUSE Tumbleweed 20240704 KDE Plasma Version: 6.1.2 KDE Frameworks Version: 6.3.0 Qt Version: 6.7.2 Kernel Version: 6.9.7-1-default (64-bit) Graphics Platform: X11 Processors: 24 × AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 12-Core Processor Memory: 62.7 GiB of RAM Graphics Processor: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080/PCIe/SSE2 Manufacturer: Micro-Star International Co., Ltd. Product Name: MS-7A38 System Version: 8.0

rajinder-yadav commented 2 months ago

Not sure what happened, closed vscode insider and re-opened it and the problem seems to have gone away, closing for now.