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vs code terminal(bash): Timestamps do not fit on the right side #224541

Closed wowqhb closed 2 days ago

wowqhb commented 1 month ago

Does this issue occur when all extensions are disabled?: Yes

The bug I mentioned last time was not solved, so I switched to a bash environment this time, and the problem is still there.

The last bug mentioned: vs code terminal(zsh) : Timestamps do not fit on the right side #221526 image

meganrogge commented 1 month ago

disabling terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.enabled will fix this for you. seems your right prompt is conflicting with our shell integration startup script

wowqhb commented 1 month ago

image The problem remains.


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system font: FiraCode Nerd Font

meganrogge commented 1 month ago

does this also reproduce in an external terminal?

wowqhb commented 1 month ago

does this also reproduce in an external terminal?

It's all working fine, only in vscode there's a problem


meganrogge commented 1 month ago

does resizing the terminal help?

wowqhb commented 1 month ago

does resizing the terminal help?

Resetting the size of the terminal works, but after executing the 'exit' command and opening the terminal again, the problem is still there and does not become normal after resetting it once.

You can install a virtual machine with Ubuntu 20.04 desktop version, and then install vscode for testing, no special settings are needed to reproduce. Note: The installation system is "Simplified Chinese"(简体中文). image

In addition, vscode installed by snap does not support "Sogou Input Method" (based on fcitx), the input method can be downloaded from, vscode installed by deb installer supports Sogou Input Method. image

wowqhb commented 1 month ago

I took the time to install a virtual machine and tested it, and the simulation results were normal, which was strange. No specific reason can be found.

My machine also has a new system installed in the last few days, the same system as the VM. The VM works fine, the host machine does not.

wowqhb commented 1 month ago

does resizing the terminal help?

Please provide all the paths related to vscode, including installation paths and configuration file paths.

Try manually deleting all files and then reinstalling to eliminate junk file interference.

meganrogge commented 1 month ago

maybe related #225052

wowqhb commented 1 month ago

maybe related #225052

Disable or change to 0, problem persists

wowqhb commented 1 month ago

Don't dwell on it, it's not a big problem, just make do

wowqhb commented 1 month ago

By the way, have you ever reproduced the problem in your test environment in the same environment?

The VM environment, which I tested myself, cannot be reproduced.

wowqhb commented 1 month ago

2024年08月08日 屏幕视频 15时12分49秒.webm

pasquale95 commented 1 month ago

maybe related #225052

Disable or change to 0, problem persists

@wowqhb Do you know how to disable or change to 0 the scrollbar width in the terminal?

wowqhb commented 1 month ago

The old version has been installed, this version is normal.

Version: 1.89.1 Submit: dc96b837cf6bb4af9cd736aa3af08cf8279f7685 Date: 2024-05-07T05:16:23.416Z Browsers: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Code/1.89.1 Chrome/120.0.6099.291 Electron/28.2.8 Safari/537.36

wowqhb commented 2 days ago

Problems that cannot be solved don't need to be paid attention to anymore. After all, they don't affect usage!