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Type to Search Across Lists #227067

Closed trevrobwhite closed 1 week ago

trevrobwhite commented 2 weeks ago

Coming from the Jetbrains platform one feature I really miss is the ability to be able to type in lists for example workspace, database etc and the system will automatically jump you to the first matching item in that list, then use the up/down arrows to move through the selections, filtering would also be acceptable (maybe that's an option).

I realise there is the global search, but this is much faster when you are looking for a table, view or a file.

Many thanks

gjsjohnmurray commented 2 weeks ago

Many lists support this but you first have to type Ctrl+Alt+F to activate the widget.

andreamah commented 2 weeks ago

I'm not sure what this looks like- can you provide an example? In the search view (ctrl+shift+f), there are keyboard shortcuts to jump to the results list.

trevrobwhite commented 1 week ago


Anywhere there is a list, click an item and start typing a magnifying glass appears and the selection jumps as you type, if nothing is found it turns red, backspace works, up + down arrows jump through the found items and escape clears or mouse click the filter. It's a global action so works with every list, it means you can find things really quickly without opening another editor

andreamah commented 1 week ago

Oh. Then yes, the comment above is correct:

Many lists support this but you first have to type Ctrl+Alt+F to activate the widget.

trevrobwhite commented 1 week ago

CTRL+ALT+F yes that's the one thanks, much better than CTRL+SHIFT+F, thanks :-)