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Tab header layout breaks when the editor group width is small #231776

Closed tusharsnx closed 2 weeks ago

tusharsnx commented 3 weeks ago

Does this issue occur when all extensions are disabled?: Yes

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Have two editor groups split horizontally.
  2. Reduce the width of the right editor group until the tab header layout breaks.

bpasero commented 3 weeks ago

Curious what are your settings?

benibenj commented 3 weeks ago

We had this bug 1 month ago, but fixed it. I'm not able to reproduce this anymore.

tusharsnx commented 3 weeks ago
settings.json ```json { "editor.suggestSelection": "first", "workbench.editorAssociations": { "*.ipynb": "jupyter-notebook" }, "explorer.confirmDelete": false, "": { "PowerShell": { "source": "PowerShell", "icon": "terminal-powershell" }, "Command Prompt": { "path": [ "${env:windir}\\Sysnative\\cmd.exe", "${env:windir}\\System32\\cmd.exe" ], "icon": "terminal-cmd" }, "bash": { "path": "C:\\Program Files\\Git\\bin\\bash.exe", "args": [ "-i", "-l" ], "icon": "terminal-bash" } }, "terminal.integrated.defaultProfile.linux": "zsh", "terminal.integrated.profiles.linux": { "bash": { "path": "bash", "icon": "terminal-bash", "args": [ "--login" ] }, "zsh": { "path": "zsh", "args": [ "--login" ] }, "fish": { "path": "fish" }, "tmux": { "path": "tmux", "icon": "terminal-tmux" }, "pwsh": { "path": "pwsh", "icon": "terminal-powershell" } }, "diffEditor.codeLens": true, // "editor.fontFamily": "MonoLisa Nerd Font", "editor.fontFamily": "JetBrainsMono Nerd Font", "editor.fontLigatures": true, 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We had this bug 1 month ago, but fixed it. I'm not able to reproduce this anymore.

You mean the fix available in VS Code insiders? I'm here on latest VS Code stable.

tusharsnx commented 3 weeks ago

Note: It only breaks when the file has "problems" (red squiggles) so the tab title would be "\<filename> \<filepath> 2, M" (2 problems in this file (bullet) Modified)


bpasero commented 3 weeks ago

Can you try to reproduce with our nightly insider builds? You can give our preview releases a try from:

tusharsnx commented 3 weeks ago

On VSCode Insider it breaks once I apply my existing settings.json from stable. I've to dig into what is causing the problem 😴

tusharsnx commented 3 weeks ago

Minimal setting.json for repro:

    "workbench.editor.showTabs": "single",
    "breadcrumbs.enabled": false,


Edit: You will still need a file with some red squiggles and git version control active

bpasero commented 3 weeks ago

Bisect points to

I would think this is from

tusharsnx commented 3 weeks ago

This should also include white-space: nowrap here so that badges (stitched together with a ',' and spaces) do not wrap:

benibenj commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you for looking into this @tusharsnx. that seems to make sense, I'll validate it tomorrow and push a fix if it is that simple

vs-code-engineering[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

This bug has been fixed in the latest release of VS Code Insiders!

@tusharsnx, you can help us out by commenting /verified if things are now working as expected.

If things still don't seem right, please ensure you're on version 39fd376a04ae461e1abb4212d6395d7a56959198 of Insiders (today's or later - you can use Help: About in the command palette to check), and leave a comment letting us know what isn't working as expected.

Happy Coding!

tusharsnx commented 2 weeks ago

I can confirm the issue is fixed. /verified