Open TeemuKoivisto opened 6 days ago
Maybe is relevant.
Are you able to test with 1.96 Insiders?
Maybe #232699 (comment) is relevant.
Are you able to test with 1.96 Insiders?
Thanks, that thread looks a lot like what I have been experiencing. I'll try the 1.96. But this will come to mainline in week or so? I'll keep this issue updated.
1.96 will probably ship to everyone a bit over 2 weeks from now.
@gjsjohnmurray nope, still persists. Just opened my laptop and one CPU was going 100. I did install Svelte extension so should just check perhaps whether that caused it.
47768 teemu 24 2 1548G 36592 ? 100.4 0.1 1h28:35 /private/var/folders/yw/8twjld5s725fwk57sj4jfkwm0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/E9B424C3-717E-4BA7-A314-9A91D3E5B11D/d/Visual Studio Code - - Insiders - Insiders Helper --type=utility --utility-sub-type=node.mojom.NodeService --lang=fi --service-sandbox-type=none --user-data-dir=/Users/teemu/Library/Application Support/Code - Insiders --standard-schemes=vscode-webview,vscode-file --enable-sandbox --secure-schemes=vscode-webview,vscode-file --cors-schemes=vscode-webview,vscode-file --fetch-schemes=vscode-webview,vscode-file --service-worker-schemes=vscode-webview --code-cache-schemes=vscode-webview,vscode-file --shared-files --field-trial-handle=1718379636,r,15348868917294003753,14478894476938416731,262144 --enable-features=ScreenCaptureKitPickerScreen,ScreenCaptureKitStreamPickerSonoma --disable-features=CalculateNativeWinOcclusion,MacWebContentsOcclusion,SpareRendererForSitePerProcess,TimeoutHangingVideoCaptureStarts --variations-seed-version
@gjsjohnmurray okay now I had my Svelte extension disabled and the bug still occurred. Just casual normal coding, restarted TS language server a few times and also introspected some node_modules
. So not sure if related to file recursion or TS type-checking or what. Any advice how to proceed?
Maybe @hediet can advise.
Does this issue occur when all extensions are disabled?: Yes
Version: 1.95.3 Commit: f1a4fb101478ce6ec82fe9627c43efbf9e98c813 Date: 2024-11-13T14:50:04.152Z (1 wk ago) Electron: 32.2.1 ElectronBuildId: 10427718 Chromium: 128.0.6613.186 Node.js: 20.18.0 V8: 12.8.374.38-electron.0 OS: Darwin arm64 24.1.0
So about 6 months ago(?) or so, I started noticing that my laptop felt surprisingly warm on my lap. Peeking at
, I noticed VSCode had suddenly hogged a CPU core and was using it at 100%. Odd, I thought, but considered it as a one-off fluke. "They'll fix it with a new version." Now, 6 versions later (I can't recall exactly when this started), this problem persists and is getting more annoying by the day, as I have to keep watching my htop panel and killing off any erratic processes by hand.I just turned off all the extensions and rebooted VSCode, and it immediately caused 2 CPUs to go to 100. I think this might be related to the TS type checking as on occasion that this has happened, intellisense has as well stopped working.
But since I'm not completely sure, could someone point out to me how I can reliably see & track what makes my VSCode go haywire? I've inspected the process name from htop but it seemed like an ordinary VSCode prosess. I can copy-paste it here once it happens again, but better debugging commands could be useful.
Steps to Reproduce: