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Software bugs, for a period of time did not use (the background is used, system idle time), vscode black screen, can't use #24928

Closed zou888wei closed 7 years ago

zou888wei commented 7 years ago
Extension Author Version
html-snippets abusaidm 0.1.0
vscode-javascript-snippet-pack akamud 0.1.5
angulardoc-vscode AngularDoc 2.1.0
typings-installer benjaminromano 0.2.0
vscode-exports-autocomplete capaj 0.4.8
npm-intellisense christian-kohler 1.3.0
path-intellisense christian-kohler 1.2.0
vscode-eslint dbaeumer 1.2.8
jquerysnippets donjayamanne 0.0.1
vscode-html-css ecmel 0.1.1
auto-close-tag formulahendry 0.3.11
auto-rename-tag formulahendry 0.0.11
theme-atom-one-dark freebroccolo 0.0.1
vue-snippets hollowtree 0.1.1
path-autocomplete ionutvmi 1.4.1
webpack jeremyrajan 2.0.0
TypeScriptImport kevinmcgowan 1.17.0
typelens kisstkondoros 1.4.1
vscode-JS-CSS-HTML-formatter lonefy 0.2.3
vscode-extension-auto-import moppitz 1.3.3
typescript-javascript-grammar ms-vscode 0.0.18
debugger-for-chrome msjsdiag 3.0.1
syncing nonoroazoro 1.3.4
seti-icons qinjia 0.1.3
view-in-browser qinjia 0.0.5
vscode-icons robertohuertasm 7.5.1
stylelint shinnn 0.24.0
Seti-theme TsumiNa 0.0.1
vscode-typings typings 0.0.5
Angular2 UVBrain 0.4.1
bootstrap-3-snippets wcwhitehead 0.0.9
JavaScriptSnippets xabikos 1.4.0 ;

Steps to Reproduce:

Software bugs, for a period of time did not use (the background is used, system idle time), vscode black screen, can't use(软件出现BUG,一段时间没有使用(后台使用,系统空闲时间),vscode会黑屏,无法使用)

Aaron Swartz Aaron Swartz Aaron Swartz Aaron Swartz

zou888wei commented 7 years ago

Software small window in the background circumstances, placed a period of time will be black screen(软件在后台小窗口情况下,放置一段时间会黑屏)

bpasero commented 7 years ago

I wonder if this issue is being caused by an installed extension. Can you try to run VS Code without extensions? From the command line (NOT the integrated terminal in Code), execute: code --disable-extensions and try your steps again to see if it reproduces. If you see it is an issue with the extension, please file it against the extension repository itself.

zou888wei commented 7 years ago

The use of:code --disable-extensions after the temporary no problems, but did not use this command sometimes run a black screen, as shown in Figure(使用code后暂时没出现过问题,但是没有使用此命令运行时有时会出现黑屏,如图): problem; problem;

Function can be used, but the screen is black(功能都可以使用,但是屏幕是黑的)

zou888wei commented 7 years ago


bpasero commented 7 years ago

Is this a stable release of Windows or some insiders version? One thing to try is to run "code --disable-gpu" to see if that helps?