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Disable ligatures on current line #2823

Closed csholmq closed 6 years ago

csholmq commented 8 years ago

In Atom, I use

atom-text-editor::shadow .cursor-line {
  -webkit-font-feature-settings: "liga" off, "calt" off;

div.find-and-replace atom-text-editor::shadow .line {
  -webkit-font-feature-settings: "liga" off, "calt" off;

to disable ligature rendering on the current line and in the Find and Replace window. Ligatures are nice to look at, but not to edit while rendered.

Atom :+1: atom_ligatures

VSCode :-1: vscode_ligatures

jeanm commented 8 years ago

This would be really great to have. I'm finding it quite hard to work with C++/Rust templates because my programming font has >> and >>> ligatures. As a result I cannot see where my cursor is when moving it through the angle brackets. I cannot even e.g. click to place the cursor between the two <<. I would almost consider this a bug rather than a feature request.

A slightly different approach to the parent's suggestion would be to disable ligature rendering when the cursor is adjacent to the ligature, or between the characters forming it.

csholmq commented 8 years ago

@jeanm Most elegant, if possible.

csholmq commented 7 years ago

@alexandrudima Kind of missed the May 2016 milestone :)

CoenraadS commented 7 years ago

csholmq commented 6 years ago

@CoenraadS your extension solves this issue.