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Grey out files ignored by version control #3208

Closed felixfbecker closed 8 years ago

felixfbecker commented 8 years ago

The project explorer can get very messy when you use a language where the build process produces a lot of temporary or binary files. For example, in Java you get a .class file for every single .java file, if you are using BlueJ you also get another .cxtc file for every class, for Latex you get a .log, .pdf, .dvi and a .synctex. Those files are of course all excluded through .gitignore and I will probably never ever need to edit or show those in VS Code because they are only a product of the source files.

It would reduce the clutter a lot if VS Code would give these files a greyed out color.

At the same time, I think the .git folder should show up in VS Code, just like .vscode or node_modules does. It should be greyed out like ignored files, but there are many interesting files in there that a user might want to edit, like info/exclue and the hooks.

egamma commented 8 years ago

You can control this using the files.exclude setting.


By default, VS Code excludes some folders from the explorer (for example. .git). Use the files.exclude setting to configure rules for hiding files and folders from the explorer. Tip: This is really useful to hide derived resources files, like .meta in Unity, or .js in a TypeScript project. For Unity to exclude the .cs.meta files, the pattern to choose would be: "/.cs.meta": true

felixfbecker commented 8 years ago

This is not exactly the same as greying out, but thanks for the tip.

ksmithut commented 8 years ago

Just as a use case, I would like files that I can see in my editor and can open quickly and change (such as local config files), but I want it visually indicated that it's ignored from source control. No need to reopen, but seems like this could be a plugin...

kamok commented 7 years ago

So this Issue was closed without ever being achieved? Just hide it from the view? Figuratively and literally?

jameschetwood commented 7 years ago


RTSchriner commented 6 years ago

+1, I loved this feature in Atom.

treyp commented 6 years ago

I think this is covered in #178