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MSI based Windows setup #33184

Closed alexhass closed 3 years ago

alexhass commented 7 years ago

I need to install VS Code for our developers. They are not allowed to install software. As we are only using AD deployment this requires a proper MSI setup that installs per machine. In the installer I need to be able to disable automatic updates on machine level.

I have only seen a bad InnoSetup setup that cannot deployed via AD. Can you create a modern installer based on WiX toolkit, please? If you need help I may be able to help.

ajf8729 commented 6 years ago

This would make it much easier to deploy and update via ConfigMgr.

alexhass commented 6 years ago

I worked on this issue the last days and I'm close to complete the migration from Inno to WiX setup, but I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post the WiX setup scripts and all the VSCode logos after the answers from That suxxx.

Is the MS setup developer available by email to exchange setup files with logos without making them public and without breaking a law/copyright?

alexhass commented 6 years ago

Shared the code at #38008

tobi76 commented 6 years ago

I found this issue. During reading I'm currently not sure about the status. Will there be a MSI Installer in the near future? Any plans? That would be nice.

alexhass commented 5 years ago

There is no way to deploy software via AD without MSI setup. Please reopen!

nzdudeinsydney commented 5 years ago

At present, the only way to disable updates appears to be forcing a new settings.json into each user's profile. At the very least, can we please get VS Code to respect a HKLM registry setting that would disable updates?

bluikko commented 5 years ago

So very, very disappoointing that there is no MSI format installer.

How is it possible that an MS product does not support AD Software Installation?

Hickory420 commented 5 years ago

So, I found this to be an issue for me as well. But, there is a "workaround" (hack)...

Since they offer a .zip format, you would have to script unzipping of the file and creating a shortcut on the user's desktop.

Since I'm not going to hold my breath for this feature, I will be implementing this... unfortunately. Once I have written the code, I will provide a link to it here.

I would like to also thank the VSCode team for such a great product. In the grand scheme of things, this application is hands down the best text editor, surpassing Sublime Text, Atom, Notepad++, you name it. I am not a developer, but I use this program daily. So, thank you for sharing the <3

engcme commented 5 years ago

@Hickory420 Hey I am working on implementing this at my work. Have you come up with that work around you were speaking of?

alexhass commented 5 years ago

I have already shared the installer code with vscode team... its in public github repro

ThomasRunting commented 4 years ago

i would love this for intune for my students

Hickory420 commented 4 years ago

I am aware VBScript is old school and out dated, I could have done this in powershell, but I figured since there are different PS versions out there, this would cover most systems all the way from Windows XP. Admittedly not my cleanest vbscript.

Option Explicit

Dim objFSO, objWscriptShell, objShellApplication
Dim ZipFile, UnzipDir, FilesInZip

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objWscriptShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set objShellApplication = CreateObject("Shell.Application")

ZipFile = "\\server01\some\accessible\share\"
UnzipDir = "C:\path\on\local\machine"

' Make sure the directory we are extracting to exists
If Not objFSO.FolderExists(UnzipDir) Then objFSO.CreateFolder(UnzipDir)

Set FilesInZip = objShellApplication.NameSpace(ZipFile).items


' Create the shortcut
Dim VSCode_ShortCutName, VSCode_DesktopShortCut, VSCode_FullExecutable, lnk

VSCode_ShortCutName    = "Visual Studio Code.lnk"
VSCode_DesktopShortCut = objWscriptShell.SpecialFolders("desktop") & "\" & VSCode_ShortCutName
VSCode_FullExecutable  = UnzipDir & "\Code.exe"

' Reset the shortcut every time this script is run.
If objFSO.FileExists(VSCode_DesktopShortCut) Then objFSO.DeleteFile VSCode_DesktopShortCut,True

If Not objFSO.FileExists(VSCode_DesktopShortCut) Then
  Set lnk = objWscriptShell.CreateShortcut(VSCode_DesktopShortCut)
  lnk.targetpath   = VSCode_FullExecutable
  lnk.IconLocation = VSCode_FullExecutable & ",0"
  lnk.Description  = "Best Text Editor Ever"
  lnk.WorkingDirectory = UnzipDir
End If

I have tested this with files on my local machine and it works. You can put this script in a Logon group policy and the end user will get VSCode deployed to their machine.

Edit: One caveat with the Desktop as the destination for the shortcut is, Windows Defender Protected Folders. You will either need to allow [cw]script.exe to make changes to the desktop, or save the shortcut elsewhere.

Although, I have not tested this on the objWscriptShell.SpecialFolders("AllUsersDesktop") I don't know if Windows Defender will complain about saving to that location.

pyoungberg commented 4 years ago

Any update?

cconrado commented 4 years ago

Would Love It!

alexhass commented 3 years ago

We still need this.

bluikko commented 3 years ago

Agreed - but maybe efforts should concentrate on VSCodium which seems to understand the value of an MSI?

shcgitpf commented 3 years ago

Still need this. Coding is huge in education, and Microsoft actively refusing to use Microsoft's own MSI deployment mechanisms just throws barriers up in front of students and admins trying to deploy this software. This should be as simple as I upload an MSI to Intune / Endpoint and assign it to students, many of whom are forced to be at home due to the pandemic. Instead I'm now going to have to screw around trying to shoe-horn an exe installer into SCCM and somehow get this to the students at home.

Not cool Microsoft.

bluikko commented 3 years ago

Everyone needing MSI installer I suggest to take a look at and register your thumbsups on it.

zastarbe commented 3 years ago

Still need an MSI for vscode. Please!

mbailey-eh commented 3 years ago

If you disagree and feel that this issue is crucial: We are happy to listen and to reconsider.

Still need an MSI. But doesn't sound like you're listening.

bluikko commented 3 years ago

Of course it is crucial. It is the standard packaging format of installers for Windows, for petes sake!

Szuni79 commented 2 years ago

Hey, guys, that is pretty much dumb, that even the MS wont create a correct MSI installer for a Flagship-Product?!?!?! MSI is a good thing and we need it! We are deploying the VS Code on hundreds of schoolcomputers, and then the others... We REALLY NEED an MSI installer. Please dont say, that its not so important. That is a MUST HAVE! Thanks.

bluikko commented 2 years ago

@Szuni79 The VSCodium project (de-branded VSCode) has an MSI installer which works almost perfectly. Just set the option "ignore language" unless you have Chinese language set in Windows. No need to wait around for Microsoft.

poldis commented 2 years ago

Still need this for VSCode (I know VSCodium has it)

bluikko commented 2 years ago

Still need this for VSCode (I know VSCodium has it)

I have not noticed anything missing from VSCodium. Should I be aware of some drawbacks, or it's political/compliance/etc kind of thing?

poldis commented 2 years ago

I have not noticed anything missing from VSCodium. Should I be aware of some drawbacks, or it's political/compliance/etc kind of thing?

No, VSCodium works fine, it's just the fact that we need VSCode for the whole school and no one will recognize it if it's called VSCodium and it has a different symbol.

ghost commented 2 years ago

Just use VSCodium and the Story is to an end

jordanmills commented 2 years ago

Still need this. VSCodium is fine and all but it's not what users expect and they (or the MS consultant insists on VS code even though it's incomplete).

Mistic92 commented 2 years ago

Still no update on that?

bluikko commented 2 years ago

Still no update on that?

VSCodium keeps releasing new versions at a steady pace following VSCode. I have given up here.

ivansieder commented 2 years ago

we're using the inno-based exe to deploy from intune as Win32-package. It works, if VS Code is closed. However, if it's currently running, it still tries to install, breaks the installation and VS Code gets unusable until it's getting reinstalled. Is there any workaround to pass as arguments to update only when VS Code is closed?

JackTrapper commented 1 year ago

The issue with installing VS Code in a machine wide location (e.g. Program Files) is:

Both of these problems are fixed if you grant Full Control to of the Program Files folder to all Users.

That way:

Otherwise you're just heading into a world of pain of:

shcgitpf commented 1 year ago
  • standard users not being able to install VS Code
  • standard users not being able to update VS Code


Speaking as an academic sysadmin we don't want users installing software. If an update is required, it is our job to deploy it. Using MSI for this mechanism would make this process INFINITELY simpler.

ajf8729 commented 1 year ago

Both of these problems are fixed if you grant Full Control to of the Program Files folder to all Users

This is a very bad decision to make security-wise. A malicious user could replace the executable with a malicious version. It could also be used as a way to bypass AppLocker if configured to trust system-level locations.

jordanmills commented 1 year ago

That's not a world of pain. That's exactly how it's supposed to work. Giving the built in users group full control of program files is an incredibly bad idea and a shortcut to credential and account theft of any account (user or admin) that signs on to that computer. It should never be done.

Szuni79 commented 1 year ago
  • it would require the users to be administrators
  • by default automatic updates wouldn't work

Both of these problems are fixed if you grant Full Control to of the Program Files folder to all Users.

Guys, that is an absolutely wrong way! Not only sysadmin-level pro developers using VS Code. I'm administering nearly 500 school-PC with over 1500 student. No one have the ability to install something. They aren't developers and aren't power users, so they don't have any admin rights. But they are learning VS Code and they needed the updates.

  • develops can install VS Code by themselves

Never mind! Even the idea is a nightmare that user can install something on multi-user computers!

  • VS Code can auto-update itself

That isn't an option. That is a must! It should be a default ability, done by System and not by User.

bluikko commented 1 year ago

The issue with installing VS Code in a machine wide location (e.g. Program Files) is:

  • it would require the users to be administrators
  • by default automatic updates wouldn't work

This is how managed installations are supposed to work and the listed "issues" are actually benefits!
The user is not supposed to be installing, or have the ability to install, anything. Everything is installed automatically by deployment tools.

I hope nobody follows the suggestion to change permissions on Program Files, this will be a security nightmare. I believe that the OP should edit his post to remove that ridiculous idea.

alexhass commented 1 year ago
  • it would require the users to be administrators


  • by default automatic updates wouldn't work

Intentionally, yes.

Both of these problems are fixed if you grant Full Control to of the Program Files folder to all Users.

OMG... never do this!!!

Guys, that is an absolutely wrong way! Not only sysadmin-level pro developers using VS Code. I'm administering nearly 500 school-PC with over 1500 student. No one have the ability to install something. They aren't developers and aren't power users, so they don't have any admin rights. But they are learning VS Code and they needed the updates.

This is not what the MSI package is made for. This package protects your students from finding every day a different vscode version that breaks their code. It is soley the admins (or professor / teachers) job to make sure the proper version is installed on all systems. Every PC should be the 100% same - otherwise they spend every day an hour to learn that an wrong vscode version is installed on a few but not all computers or a previous student has broken it and it does not fit to their lessons.

PeterCheungHK commented 1 year ago

@alexhass They always think the user must use Latest version , but in fact there are many factors the administrator need control the version

kale1d0code commented 1 year ago

MSI would be too convenient for the end user. Plus they wouldn't be able to charge you for centralised deployment through their SCCM software if they fixed their installer.

Think about it.

ghost commented 1 year ago

Perhaps this could be implemented in a fork of Code - OSS so people who need it at least can use it? Without the official marketplace, of course. But these enterprise users probably don't want users to install the extensions that they want, either - they probably want to install the same extensions for all users.

bluikko commented 1 year ago

@aitor-gomila Already exists:

Juff-Ma commented 1 month ago

If someone is still interested in this, I wrote a small tool that creates a VSCode installation MSI.

JackTrapper commented 1 month ago

If an update is required, it is our job to deploy it.

That is a fine solution as long as:

Otherwise it's a non-starter.

alexhass commented 1 month ago

Vscodium has an msi setup with updates disabled. This is crucial.

RokeJulianLockhart commented 1 month ago
