Generally, I know there is no need to update and be always on the latest package updates. But I think it can only make things better to be update to date and get so the latest features of the packages. My question is how is the update handling in VS Code? Can I just make a PR and update these and they will be merged if the CI will succeed?
If that's the case we could think about adding e.g. the greenkeeper app or renovateapp which automatically makes PRs to this repository with the latest updates of the packages. (Changelog of the packages included)
Here's an overview about the latest output of npm-check-updates to see the actual situation:
applicationinsights 0.17.1 → 1.0.0
getmac 1.0.7 → 1.2.1
http-proxy-agent 0.2.7 → 2.0.0
https-proxy-agent 0.3.6 → 2.1.0
semver 4.3.6 → 5.4.1
yauzl 2.8.0 → 2.9.1
@types/mocha 2.2.39 → 2.2.44
@types/sinon 1.16.34 → 4.0.0
azure-storage ^0.3.1 → ^2.6.0
clean-css 3.4.6 → 4.1.9
coveralls ^2.11.11 → ^3.0.0
cson-parser ^1.3.3 → ^2.0.0
eslint ^3.4.0 → ^4.12.0
glob ^5.0.13 → ^7.1.2
gulp-azure-storage ^0.7.0 → ^0.8.0
gulp-eslint ^3.0.1 → ^4.0.0
gulp-filter ^3.0.0 → ^5.0.1
gulp-image-resize ^0.10.0 → ^0.13.0
gulp-mocha ^2.1.3 → ^4.3.1
gulp-replace ^0.5.4 → ^0.6.1
gulp-shell ^0.5.2 → ^0.6.3
gulp-sourcemaps ^1.11.0 → ^2.6.1
gulp-vinyl-zip ^1.2.2 → ^2.1.0
husky ^0.13.1 → ^0.14.3
istanbul ^0.3.17 → ^0.4.5
lazy.js ^0.4.2 → ^0.5.0
mime 1.2.11 → 1.6.0
minimatch ^2.0.10 → ^3.0.4
mocha ^2.2.5 → ^4.0.1
optimist 0.3.5 → 0.6.1
queue 3.0.6 → 4.4.2
remap-istanbul ^0.6.4 → ^0.9.5
sinon ^1.17.2 → ^4.1.2
source-map ^0.4.4 → ^0.6.1
typescript 2.6.1 → 2.6.2
typescript-formatter 4.0.1 → 7.0.0
vinyl ^0.4.5 → ^2.1.0
The following dependencies are satisfied by their declared version range, but the installed versions are behind. You can install the latest versions without modifying your package file by using npm update. If you want to update the dependencies in your package file anyway, run ncu -a.
pump ^1.0.1 → ^1.0.3
rimraf ^2.2.8 → ^2.6.2
uglify-es ^3.0.18 → ^3.2.0
vscode-nls-dev ^2.0.1 → ^2.1.6
We update our dependencies every now and then. They bring good stuff, but they also bring adoption work and possible bugs. Closing this, since this task is a periodic one.
Generally, I know there is no need to update and be always on the latest package updates. But I think it can only make things better to be update to date and get so the latest features of the packages. My question is how is the update handling in VS Code? Can I just make a PR and update these and they will be merged if the CI will succeed? If that's the case we could think about adding e.g. the greenkeeper app or renovateapp which automatically makes PRs to this repository with the latest updates of the packages. (Changelog of the packages included)
Here's an overview about the latest output of
to see the actual situation: