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Allow to open multiple workspaces in the same window #43188

Open kdubuc opened 6 years ago

kdubuc commented 6 years ago

Workspace feature is great because we can grouping projects in a top context (microservices projects in a big API workspace). But, only one workspace can be open. This feature can be powerful if multiple workspaces can be open at the same time (in the same window).


And another request : it will be great if :

amandaporto commented 6 years ago

Agree, this functionality is really lacking. Working with multiple repos/folders where you want to keep a certain separation from one another (while maintaining easy access) is a bit of a pain right now.

develleoper commented 6 years ago

To clarify, this story is specifically not relating to multi-root workspaces, but rather requesting the ability to display multiple separate workspaces within the same OS window, correct? Asking because I noticed the github issue has the #multi-root label, which I believe may be inaccurate.

zbentley commented 6 years ago

@develleoper that was my assumption as well, and the duplicate issue that was closed in favor of this one also seems to indicate that. I'm not the reporter though.

MikeChipshop commented 6 years ago

Seconding (and the rest!) this.

The ability to have collapsible Workspace folders open in the app at the same time would be a godsend. Currently I'm having to negate this by adding different folders to the initial workspace, but this is far from ideal.

Having the ability to have multiple workspaces open at once would make this an absolute project management powerhouse!

mookman288 commented 6 years ago

From a new user perspective, this was my step-by-step experience:

  1. Create new workspace.
  2. Attempt to rename the workspace to . This failed (see @kdubuc second request.)
  3. Add all of the projects for that particular client to this workspace.
  4. Attempt to create a second workspace for a different client. This failed.

Coming from Eclipse, my first instinct is to be able to create individual project folders for each project, and I organized that by heading. I agree with @MikeChipshop that multiple workspaces open at once would increase project management utility.

siran commented 6 years ago

I second the proposal.

coffeeislife12 commented 6 years ago

I am working with python and I don't want to share my python virtualenv between each project (folders) inside a workspace. As python interpreter setting is applied to a workspace, I need the ability to have multiple workspaces show up in single vscode instance(screen) for better management

zjp commented 6 years ago

The UI makes this idea very intuitive. Before googling how to do this, I thought it was already built-in.

bigwhitetuna commented 6 years ago

Agreed! This would be awesome! I look forward to hearing more about its progress.

globalfaisal commented 6 years ago

It would definitely be very handy to have this feature.

outpoints commented 6 years ago


rayholtz commented 6 years ago

I am also in favor of this feature. I run VSCode on a vertical monitor, and there's a lot of vertical screen space that could be taken up by multiple workspaces. Thanks!

tl;dr, +1

HansHovanitz commented 6 years ago

I came across this while googling how to do it.

This feature would be very helpful!

mittalyashu commented 6 years ago

We can set the custom settings for each workspace and have multiple workspaces opened inside a single instance of VS Code can make it bit complicated.

Apart from that, it is a good idea to have this feature.

shane-smith commented 6 years ago

@mittalyashu - it is already possible to set custom settings for a folder, and to have multiple folders open inside a workspace. I'm guessing it would need to take a similar approach.

csears123 commented 6 years ago

I also agree with this request, to allow multiple workspaces to be opened in the same window. I am constantly switching between projects, and at times work on multiple projects simultaneously. Re-adding a previous folder to a workspace loses the 'name' property I assigned that folder in the workspace settings before removing it. Assigning custom names to my projects is needed for organizing similar named folders across separate projects. Using a workspace to organize all my projects would be a better structure, if allowed to be open in the same window.

I also see added benefits with customizing workspace settings separately for each project for deployment configurations, instead of having to customize every folder individually for deployment.

mittalyashu commented 6 years ago


it is already possible to set custom settings for a folder and to have multiple folders open inside a workspace. I'm guessing it would need to take a similar approach.

Yes, having multiple folders in a single workspace is easy, and vs code can easily apply the workspace or folder settings.

Just image, how vs code will manage multiple workspaces and it's settings, that means:

Each time we open the file from a different workspace, settings of that specific workspace will apply and this will make the VS Code slower if we open files from different workspaces.

ClintOxx commented 6 years ago

I totally thought this was already a feature until I just tried to use it lol, i definitely support this. I would like to be able to switch between having two different workspaces in the same window

slaith commented 6 years ago

+1 Sublime text does this very well (in full-screen mode on mac). If you open a new workspace or a new folder, it gets added as a tab to the current window. That's the only feature VS Code lacks over sublime right now.

qzdl commented 6 years ago

+1, Agree massively with this; Current UI would lead the user to believe that such functionality exists - coming from Atom this was quite a shock haha

QuentinDanjou commented 6 years ago

I'm dealing with multiple projects as a lot of developers, and having multiple workplace open in the same window as described would be a really nice improvement.

shane-smith commented 6 years ago

I've restructured my workspaces, and have started using folders more actively in my workspaces, in such a way that this is no longer high on my own priority list.

Makes me wonder if, with a bit of experimentation, most of the people requesting this feature might be able to get away with using several folders in a single workspace, instead?

develleoper commented 6 years ago

Anecdotal, but I would still very much prefer to have a separate workspace per git repository, such as a for a project with two separate repos for client and server side code, with different vscode extensions and workspace settings for each.

ClintOxx commented 6 years ago

@shane-smith yea that is a work around that I have tried but I'm in pretty much the same boat as @develleoper with wanting the different settings and extensions per workspace

Puerco-Potter commented 6 years ago

I really want this feature. I commonly have another project open whenever I am working on a new one, that way I can check or reuse code on the go. I have to add those projects's folders to my workspace, knowing they are just referencial and it always feels like I am doing something wrong or working dirty, also I have to look for the other project with not clear distinction on the UI. When I get a glance at the workspace functionality I inmediatly think it will have this feature, I am surprised to see it doesn't.

jcarioti commented 6 years ago

This would be a killer feature IMO.

ccalabro commented 6 years ago

+1 to this.. It would be really useful.

Qonabe commented 6 years ago

Definitly a feature worth working on IMO. As mentionned before this idea is very intuitive given the UI.

jstein-ftdi commented 6 years ago

This would be very helpful when switching active branches. Thanks in advance for adding this feature!

brennenberkley commented 6 years ago


Nurgiel commented 6 years ago


D3FCR3W commented 6 years ago

So much useless space in the left panel... +1 for this feature, 15/8 would agree

jstgermain commented 5 years ago

This is a great idea. I don't want to add another root to my workspace, I want a second workspace. The folder thing is great in certain scenarios, but not what I am looking for. I hope to see this as a feature soon.

Charlewic commented 5 years ago

Totally agreed. By the way thanks for the wonderful job already done !

Asitis commented 5 years ago

Came here expecting this behavior as well! +1

banister commented 5 years ago

Not having this feature is making it hard to migrate from emacs! Definitely need the ability to have multiple workspaces open at once. I was shocked that we couldn't actually!

RayMcCl commented 5 years ago

Agreed that this would be incredibly useful, +1!

makisp commented 5 years ago

A really useful and essential feature I would say, +1.

OmkarPathak commented 5 years ago


evolbug commented 5 years ago


anthonykevins commented 5 years ago


misha-erm commented 5 years ago

Any updates? Is there any work planned already?

tmas commented 5 years ago

Recently started using VS Code for one of my new projects after using Atom for a while, and this is one of the first things I tried to do (after the UI implied it was possible). This would be an absolute killer feature and would pretty much guarantee I'd move my other projects over to VS Code as well.

v4ngelo commented 5 years ago

+1. I also thought this was possible...

bosatsu commented 5 years ago


EDIT: I found that ctrl + r allows you to type in folders that you previously opened. Works for now, but still would be nice to have this feature.

ole-lukoe commented 5 years ago


LebCit commented 5 years ago

+1 I thought it was possible 😞 This feature would be GREAT ! My actual solution, as everyone else I suppose, was to create another workspace and switch from one to the other, not great at all especially when we need to see files from different workspaces at the same time !

wkoutre commented 5 years ago

If you're on macOS:

  1. Open Preferences and enable the Window: Native Tabs option
  2. Restart
  3. Cmd + Shift + N for a new window will open this "new window" in a macOS-styled tab
  4. Open Workspace 2
  5. Complete

Edited: Changed to suggest to enable the Window: Native Tabs option, (originally wrote Window: Native Full Screen)

Helcaraxan commented 5 years ago

@wkoutre good catch :heart: , although you'll also need to enable the Window: Native tabs option as well.

screenshot 2018-11-16 at 10 51 39

wkoutre commented 5 years ago

@Helcaraxan In my experience, that's not the case. VS Code v1.29.1 (could be something to do with it? though I don't see anything related in the release notes).
