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No document formatted for scss files installed #50976

Closed smlombardi closed 6 years ago

smlombardi commented 6 years ago

Issue Type: Bug

On my home installation of VSCode, which I keep synced with my work one with settings sync extension, whenever I try to format a scss file I get a notification: There is no document formatter for 'scss'-files installed.

I have the same extensions and user settings at work, where I format scss all the time. I can't figure it out. I uninstalled Prettier, Stylelint, and Stylefmt and re-installed. Same thing.

The used to work at home; this has started only with june insiders builds.

My project's package.json is

  "dependencies": {
    "postcss-sass": "^0.3.2",
    "postcss-syntax": "^0.26.1",
    "stylelint": "^9.2.1",
    "stylelint-config-idiomatic-order": "^5.0.0",
    "stylelint-config-standard": "^18.2.0"
  "devDependencies": {
    "prettier": "^1.13.4",
    "prettier-stylelint": "^0.4.2"

My user settings have

  "css.validate": false,
  "prettier.stylelintIntegration": true,
  "stylefmt.useStylelintConfigOverrides": true,
  "stylefmt.showErrorMessages": false,

VS Code version: Code - Insiders 1.24.0-insider (92754223624dcbe9aca0e5ca3ba8a53808b122b6, 2018-06-01T13:37:15.690Z) OS version: Darwin x64 17.5.0

System Info |Item|Value| |---|---| |CPUs|Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4850HQ CPU @ 2.30GHz (8 x 2300)| |GPU Status|2d_canvas: enabled
flash_3d: enabled
flash_stage3d: enabled
flash_stage3d_baseline: enabled
gpu_compositing: enabled
multiple_raster_threads: enabled_on
native_gpu_memory_buffers: enabled
rasterization: enabled
video_decode: enabled
video_encode: enabled
vpx_decode: enabled
webgl: enabled
webgl2: enabled| |Load (avg)|2, 2, 2| |Memory (System)|8.00GB (0.42GB free)| |Process Argv|/Applications/Visual Studio Code - -psn_0_9976195| |Screen Reader|no| |VM|0%|
Extensions (28) Extension|Author (truncated)|Version ---|---|--- code-settings-sync|Sha|2.9.2 Bookmarks|ale|0.19.1 project-manager|ale|0.25.2 bracket-pair-colorizer|Coe|1.0.55 vscode-eslint|dba|1.4.10 tslint|eg2|1.0.30 vscode-great-icons|emm|2.1.32 prettier-vscode|esb|1.3.1 auto-rename-tag|for|0.0.15 path-autocomplete|ion|1.10.0 svg|joc|0.1.0 Angular2|joh|6.1.1 ecdc|mit|0.12.0 HTMLHint|mka|0.5.0 theme-monokai-pro-vscode|mon|1.1.6 vscode-scss|mrm|0.6.2 vscode-stylefmt|mrm|2.5.0 angular2-inline|nat|0.0.17 vetur|oct|0.12.3 vscode-versionlens|pfl|0.21.1 material-icon-theme|PKi|3.5.0 polacode|pnp|0.2.2 stylelint|shi|0.36.3 rewrap|stk|1.9.1 bootstrap4-vscode|the|4.1.1 sort-lines|Tyr|1.7.0 vscode-todo-highlight|way|0.5.12 change-case|wma|1.0.0 (3 theme extensions excluded)
vscodebot[bot] commented 6 years ago

(Experimental duplicate detection) Thanks for submitting this issue. Please also check if it is already covered by an existing one, like:

vscodebot[bot] commented 6 years ago

This issue is caused by an extension, please file it with the repository (or contact) the extension has linked in its overview in VS Code or the marketplace for VS Code. See also our issue reporting guidelines.

Happy Coding!

octref commented 6 years ago

Try to run Developer: Reinstall Extensions for VS Code. Setting sync sometimes cause extensions to not install correctly. You should do that for Prettier since it has a scss formatter.

smlombardi commented 6 years ago

That worked. Nice to know about that. But it looks like you need to reinstall one at a time.

It's worth noting I previously un-installed Prettier and installed it to no avail. But this did work, thanks.

octref commented 6 years ago

@sandy081 Just so that you know, the Setting Sync causing corrupted extension install is still happening on latest Insiders.

@smlombardi While you just fixed the issue - can you do us a favor?

smlombardi commented 6 years ago
[2018-06-01 19:46:25.520] [sharedprocess] [info] main {"machineId":"8dc27b5430f54085406013f9443810ab0cd8837a3b5e4680c0ee5abf8313c6c3"}
[2018-06-01 19:46:25.609] [sharedprocess] [info] Scanned user extensions: 31
[2018-06-01 19:46:25.637] [sharedprocess] [info] Scanned system extensions: 70
[2018-06-01 19:46:26.835] [sharedprocess] [info] Scanned user extensions: 31
[2018-06-01 19:46:26.836] [sharedprocess] [info] Scanned user extensions: 31
[2018-06-01 19:46:26.852] [sharedprocess] [info] Scanned system extensions: 70
[2018-06-01 19:46:29.934] [sharedprocess] [info] Scanned user extensions: 31
[2018-06-01 19:46:29.955] [sharedprocess] [info] Scanned user extensions: 31
[2018-06-01 19:46:41.016] [sharedprocess] [info] Scanned user extensions: 31
[2018-06-01 19:46:41.027] [sharedprocess] [info] Scanned system extensions: 70
[2018-06-01 19:47:01.460] [sharedprocess] [info] Scanned user extensions: 31
[2018-06-01 19:47:01.470] [sharedprocess] [info] Scanned system extensions: 70
[2018-06-01 19:47:05.533] [sharedprocess] [info] Starting to clean up unused language packs.
[2018-06-01 19:47:08.848] [sharedprocess] [info] Deleted from disk esbenp.prettier-vscode-1.3.1
[2018-06-01 19:47:08.850] [sharedprocess] [info] Installing extension: prettier-vscode
[2018-06-01 19:47:08.869] [sharedprocess] [info] Scanned user extensions: 30
[2018-06-01 19:47:09.370] [sharedprocess] [info] Downloaded extension: prettier-vscode
[2018-06-01 19:47:15.955] [sharedprocess] [info] Extracted extension to /Users/stevel/.vscode-insiders/extensions/.esbenp.prettier-vscode-1.3.1: esbenp.prettier-vscode-1.3.1
[2018-06-01 19:47:15.956] [sharedprocess] [info] Renamed to /Users/stevel/.vscode-insiders/extensions/esbenp.prettier-vscode-1.3.1
[2018-06-01 19:47:15.956] [sharedprocess] [info] Installation completed. esbenp.prettier-vscode-1.3.1
[2018-06-01 19:47:16.067] [sharedprocess] [info] Extensions installed successfully: esbenp.prettier-vscode
[2018-06-01 19:47:16.228] [sharedprocess] [info] Scanned user extensions: 31
[2018-06-01 19:47:16.248] [sharedprocess] [info] Scanned system extensions: 70
[2018-06-01 19:47:21.202] [sharedprocess] [info] Scanned user extensions: 31
[2018-06-01 19:47:21.204] [sharedprocess] [info] Scanned user extensions: 31
[2018-06-01 19:47:21.216] [sharedprocess] [info] Scanned system extensions: 70
[2018-06-01 19:47:24.289] [sharedprocess] [info] Scanned user extensions: 31
[2018-06-01 19:47:24.314] [sharedprocess] [info] Scanned user extensions: 31
[2018-06-01 19:49:06.737] [sharedprocess] [info] Scanned user extensions: 31
[2018-06-01 19:49:06.738] [sharedprocess] [info] Scanned user extensions: 31
[2018-06-01 19:49:06.755] [sharedprocess] [info] Scanned system extensions: 70
[2018-06-01 19:49:09.890] [sharedprocess] [info] Scanned user extensions: 31
[2018-06-01 19:49:09.929] [sharedprocess] [info] Scanned user extensions: 31
[2018-06-01 19:54:09.975] [sharedprocess] [info] Scanned user extensions: 31
[2018-06-01 19:57:29.087] [sharedprocess] [info] Scanned user extensions: 31
[2018-06-01 19:57:29.089] [sharedprocess] [info] Scanned user extensions: 31
[2018-06-01 19:57:29.100] [sharedprocess] [info] Scanned system extensions: 70
[2018-06-01 19:57:45.341] [sharedprocess] [info] Scanned user extensions: 31
[2018-06-01 19:57:45.342] [sharedprocess] [info] Uninstalling extension: smlombardi.celesta-0.0.1
[2018-06-01 19:57:45.370] [sharedprocess] [info] Scanned user extensions: 31
[2018-06-01 19:57:45.381] [sharedprocess] [info] Successfully uninstalled extension: smlombardi.celesta-0.0.1
[2018-06-01 19:57:45.538] [sharedprocess] [info] Scanned user extensions: 30
[2018-06-01 19:57:45.548] [sharedprocess] [info] Scanned system extensions: 70
[2018-06-01 19:58:24.872] [sharedprocess] [info] Scanned user extensions: 30
[2018-06-01 19:58:24.874] [sharedprocess] [info] Scanned user extensions: 30
[2018-06-01 19:58:24.886] [sharedprocess] [info] Scanned system extensions: 70
[2018-06-01 19:58:27.632] [sharedprocess] [info] Scanned user extensions: 30
[2018-06-01 19:58:27.662] [sharedprocess] [info] Scanned user extensions: 30
[2018-06-01 20:03:27.712] [sharedprocess] [info] Scanned user extensions: 30
smlombardi commented 6 years ago

FWIW, the same thing happened with the Version Lens extension. It did not work although it was installed. Re-installing fixed it.

sandy081 commented 6 years ago

@octref @smlombardi Can you please explain more about how settings sync extension is causing a corrupted extension installation?

octref commented 6 years ago


octref commented 6 years ago

I don't use that extension myself, but I got reports that says this might be the cause.

smlombardi commented 6 years ago

@sandy081 I primarily use a computer at work and installed several plugins there. I use setting sync to upload the work settings, and when I get home I download, and sometimes that installs extensions.

However, I noticed both Version Lens and Prettier were not working (there may be others I've not discovered yet). Using Developer: Reinstall Extensions on both of these fixed my issue.

sandy081 commented 6 years ago

@octref Comment says that I think Vetur didn't like being auto installed by the Sync Settings extension. Better to file an issue against Sycn Settings Extension to get more information.

octref commented 6 years ago

@sandy081 I feel we should offer an API for batch installing of extensions, so Settings Sync extension can take advantage of it.

We currently have no good solution for syncing extensions and always point to people to settings sync, for example this one I got today:

The users of Settings Sync extension might not even realize that the extensions are corrupted.

sandy081 commented 6 years ago

Yes, there is a very old popular request for it - #2743