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editor.acceptSuggestionOnEnter: "off" not working in debugging console #60877

Closed maple3142 closed 3 years ago

maple3142 commented 5 years ago

Issue Type: Bug

editor.acceptSuggestionOnEnter: "off" doesn't work when I type in debugging console. It still insert FileList when I type files and hit enter. Video:

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vscodebot[bot] commented 5 years ago

(Experimental duplicate detection) Thanks for submitting this issue. Please also check if it is already covered by an existing one, like:

isidorn commented 5 years ago

I acknowledge the limiation. The issue here is that we manually set acceptSuggestionOnEnter: "smart" for the debug console so that when the user inputs the whole match and presses enter it would get immediatly evaluated.

Leaving this open as a feature request.

sebnapi commented 5 years ago


this Enter -> TouchList

johan-boule commented 5 years ago

On a side note, i find the mere existence of the 'enter' shortcut for autocompletion to be a misfeature. There's 'tab' for that. I suppose removing the shortcut altogether is the "solution".

vscodebot[bot] commented 4 years ago

This issue is being closed to keep the number of issues in our inbox on a manageable level, we are closing issues that are not going to be addressed in the foreseeable future: We look at the number of votes the issue has received and the number of duplicate issues filed. More details here. If you disagree and feel that this issue is crucial: We are happy to listen and to reconsider.

If you wonder what we are up to, please see our roadmap and issue reporting guidelines.

Thanks for your understanding and happy coding!

ghost commented 4 years ago

This problem is very annoying. I have to press "space backspace enter" to skip autocomplete instead of just an "enter" to execute a single command. It makes debug console almost unusable. Please fix this bug.

andrewlstewart commented 4 years ago

This is an incredibly frustrating feature of an otherwise great IDE.

ivanhernandez13 commented 4 years ago

Is this FR still a possibility? From the duped issue above looks like there was an intention to reopen this bug.

isidorn commented 4 years ago

Yes, we can reopen. And we might weclome PRs that tackle this.

damdaepark commented 3 years ago

Is it fixed now? It's really annoying.

flshfm commented 3 years ago

Might be a little help until this gets closed: If you change the When Expression of the Keyboards shortcut "Debug:Stop" to "inDebugMode && !inDebugRepl" you can Esc + Enter

This problem is very annoying. I have to press "space backspace enter" to skip autocomplete instead of just an "enter" to execute a single command. It makes debug console almost unusable. Please fix this bug.

kyle-mallah commented 3 years ago

This is the most annoying thing. there is editor.acceptSuggestionOnEnter, but no terminal.acceptSuggestionOnEnter or related

joshenders commented 3 years ago

Also experiencing this issue. This is quite problematic as others have mentioned because debugging now involves cancelling the autosuggestion by striking the escape key before interacting. It's a very frustrating experience.

bersbersbers commented 3 years ago

Related: #108439

ell1e commented 3 years ago

There is debug.console.historySuggestions but for me it doesn't work:

Also, as I explained here I think not only are working options needed for all these enter-autocompletes scenarios but also the default should be changed throughout the IDE: (to have enter auto-completing default to off everywhere, both editor and terminal)

I think the whole situation around auto-complete settings needs an entire rethink. I spend an entire day trying to turn everything off because it's spread out over multiple settings (and I still use auto complete all the time, just without the very bad enter-autocompletes shortcut which is an absolute nightmare in languages without line terminators like Python) and it's still not fully off due to e.g. this bug/ticket here and maybe me missing more related settings. This should not be my first IDE experience. It is way too hard to get a sane configuration, the defaults need to be better.

gabrielhuang commented 3 years ago

please fix!!!

isidorn commented 3 years ago

This is fixed now. Apart from that we introduced debug.console.acceptSuggestionOnEnter to control this behaviour.