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Iteration Plan for November 2018 #62876

Closed kieferrm closed 5 years ago

kieferrm commented 5 years ago

This plan captures our work in November. This is a 5-week iteration. We will ship our November Update - the last of the year - in the first half of December. As in 2018, there will be no update in early January 2019. The next major update will be in early February 2019.

We have a full plan stretching from polishing functionality that we introduced earlier such as reference lists and multi-line search, to smaller productivity features such as Commit & Push, all the way to getting ready for electron 3.0 and adopting the new tree implementation throughout our code base. We also start exploring what it takes to make developing on WSL on Windows more natural. Some of us will also eat a lot in the middle of the iteration.


The endgame details for this iteration are tracked in #64182.

Plan Items

Below is a summary of the top level plan items.

Legend of annotations:

Mark Description
:runner: work in progress
:hand: blocked task
:muscle: stretch goal for this iteration
:red_circle: missing issue reference
:large_blue_circle: more investigation required to remove uncertainty
:black_circle: under discussion within the team



Monaco Editor


Source Control





Extension Contributions







Deferred Items

chpxu commented 5 years ago

Explore welcome page improvements #56144

BartolomeSintes commented 5 years ago

Please, don't remove the old settings editor (last item in the workbench section of this month's plan). It is easier to copy and paste all the settings at once (from one workspace to another) than modify one by one.

roblourens commented 5 years ago

We will never get rid of editing settings with a JSON file. The issue is just about the UX we have around the json settings editor (pencil icon to edit, search bar, etc).

vSanjo commented 5 years ago

The search bar is a little annoying in settings.json view. I'd rather be looking through my settings I've set over the settings I have available. Perhaps a toggle between the two?

jtcontreras90 commented 5 years ago
- [ ] Support **support** for custom tags and properties in HTML and CSS #62976 @octref
myfairsyer commented 5 years ago

There's an issue for the endgame:

kieferrm commented 5 years ago
