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Visual Studio Code for ipad #70764

Open allessandrojs opened 5 years ago

allessandrojs commented 5 years ago

can use the Visual Studio Code on a ipad

mittalyashu commented 5 years ago

I don't think there is any native app build for iOS

codingwesley commented 5 years ago

I have the same question at buy iPad pro recently

Disane87 commented 5 years ago

I guess there are too many limitations on iOS to get that actually work.

chpxu commented 5 years ago

VSCode runs on Electron and is a desktop framework, meaning it only runs on Windows, macOS and Linux. The iPad runs iOS, a mobile framework so it most likely wouldn't make it, unless the team are perhaps thinking of makng an installer

On that note, if it is the case perhaps and android version too since I use my MediaPad M5 a lot for working and consuming media :>

allessandrojs commented 5 years ago

I found this idea very good so I raised this question, the link shows an example

allessandrojs commented 5 years ago

electronjs create multiplatform applications even for ios, so i believe it works for ipad.

sean256 commented 5 years ago

There are a ton of challenges to get this thing running and feature full on the iPad due to iOS limitation.

What about a lite version which could utilize VSCode's Live Share? Run the full version on a desktop to do all of the heavy lifting and file management but use the iPad to remote edit?

hugheba commented 5 years ago

Yeah, I’d love to see some sort of implementation as @sean256 suggested where I can use the horsepower of my desktop and all its abilities and work remotely on the iPad in the browser or an optimized app that supports special features needed for development like the ESC key.

scottgrobinson commented 5 years ago

@hugheba I'm about to try this one out Runs vscode on a remote server, then you can just use your browser. Seems intriguing....

hugheba commented 5 years ago

@scottgrobinson code-server Looks promising.

I installed it and tried to set it up for my iPad, a lot of thing didn’t work like adding workspaces from filesystem, sync plugin installing extensions, etc...

It seems like it creates a seperate install from the VSCode installation, so I have to set up my environment all over again, hence trying to get the settings sync plugin to work (unsuccessfully).

Seems they’re offering a paid product but doesn’t seem like the functionality is quite there yet.

sean256 commented 5 years ago

iOS has a deal breaking bug for something like to work.

Certain and critical key events are not fired for input/textarea fields (arrow keys, system keys). VSCode's editor at it's core depends on these missing key events. I tried a nasty hack where I would intercept i,j,k,l with the only working modifier (alt) events and rewrite the event to look like arrow keys. It's terrible but I did get the editor sort of working.

Apple needs to fix this. I sent an "angry rant" to an old friend of mine who works with the UIKit team so they know...

seanhealy commented 5 years ago

This could be very intriguing for iOS.

Still other framework things that would need to be solved but it is very cool.

zweily commented 5 years ago

As VS code already released the "remote development" extensions, it would be reasonable to have the VS code for iOS platform for the users that mostly work remotely via ssh to Linux server. This would make iPad Pro users have a better IDE to work remotely.

windoze commented 5 years ago

App Store Review Guideline says:

2.5.6 Apps that browse the web must use the appropriate WebKit framework and WebKit Javascript.

I don't see why VSCode for iOS cannot use any other render engine, it doesn't "browse the web" after all.

lesyk commented 5 years ago

On MSBuild2019 Live Share was presented which can help you out:,,

leonhx commented 5 years ago

Browser-Based Web Companion is under development (src: ).

In the future, you will be able to navigate to and access any of your remote environments. Because Visual Studio Online is based on Visual Studio Code, it will feel immediately familiar, and benefits from the rich ecosystem of extensions you already know and love – while supporting both the Visual Studio Code workspaces, as well as Visual Studio’s projects and solutions. Additionally, it will support IntelliCode and Live Share out-of-the-box, which ensures it provides the rich collaboration and productivity features developers need.

Seems that it meets most requirements.

onionhammer commented 5 years ago

I think now that remote development is in-place, this seems like a perfect opportunity to launch VS Code as apps on iOS and Android, not just in the browser (since Safari kinda stinks), but actual (html-based) apps.

forrestthewoods commented 5 years ago

Yes please! With all of VS Code’s remote work a native VS Code iPad app seems like a no brainer. I’ve been desperate for my iPad to be a real productivity for years. It’s so close I can taste it!

clonn commented 5 years ago

After WWDC, iPad OS is going out, how about vscode for ipad ?

jarvon commented 5 years ago

I agree... iPadOS opens up a whole new set of capabilities for what could be. I think Having a text editor that is flexible and easily accessible will open up coding to a whole new set of individuals.

klaus385 commented 5 years ago

Someone was able to do this seemingly pretty easy.

ImMrMa commented 5 years ago

Only use the remote SSH is perfect for ipados.I think it must be a cool thing!!!And we can try only use the kbd to coding.It is fantastic too!!

ErykahA commented 5 years ago

VSCode runs on Electron and is a desktop framework, meaning it only runs on Windows, macOS and Linux. The iPad runs iOS, a mobile framework so it most likely wouldn't make it, unless the team are perhaps thinking of makng an installer

On that note, if it is the case perhaps and android version too since I use my MediaPad M5 a lot for working and consuming media :>

It would really really help if they did. I have to use both my iPad and MacBook in order to get stuff done and Visual still won’t work on my iPad due to the frame work needed. This sucks big time.

BrendanThompson commented 4 years ago

I don't suppose there's been any progress on getting a MVP/PoC of this working on i/iPadOS

CRodriguez25 commented 4 years ago

I use Coda on my iPad Pro to do development work on a small DigitalOcean dev server. When I want to work on my desktop, I use VSCode's new Remote SSH extension to do the same.

It'd be awesome if we could get a "lite" version of VSCode that basically just offers the Remote SSH part (no local files). That's probably way more complicated than I'm making out to be, and honestly Coda is a great solution, but I love Code so here's hoping

ImMrMa commented 4 years ago

Yeah!I am in the same condition with you!

在 2019年7月10日,下午3:15,Carlos Rodriguez 写道:

I use my Coda on my iPad Pro to do development work on a small DigitalOcean dev server. When I want to work on my desktop, I use VSCode's new Remote SSH extension to do the same.

It'd be awesome if we could get a "lite" version of VSCode that basically just offers the Remote SSH part (no local files). That's probably way more complicated than I'm making out to be, and honestly Coda is a great solution, but I love Code so here's hoping

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bkniffler commented 4 years ago

Wouldn't it maybe even be possible to get a raspberry pi as dev server? Two scenarios come to my mind:

Raspberry Pi VNC

Connect Raspberry Pi to iPad via usb-c (the new Pi 4 has native usb-c plug) and iPads ethernet over usb-c. Have VNC active on the device. Connect with Jump Desktop or any other VNC client from iPad to Pi.

Raspberry Pi SSH/Coder

Same as above, only use either VS Code Coder server on Pi or just use Coda to build a SSH/SFTP connection to the Pi. This could also work over bluetooth instead of usb-c (

Having a little "development box" that does the actual computing, working even if offline (while traveling), could be awesome. I just wonder if internet can be shared from iPad to the Pi with these kind of settings.

mattkerrison commented 4 years ago

VScode remote for SSH as an app rather than try and use a web ide would be a massive improvement, I can't find a single ios app that's nearly as code as VScode would be.

yanshuf0 commented 4 years ago

I'd love for this to be a thing. I do all my development over ssh anyway and the 12.9" ipad pro is the perfect "terminal". Is this being looked at? Is there anything I can do to help?

absudabsu commented 4 years ago

@yanshuf0 The closest I've seem to find is using code-server [link]. This is a good setup when there is one server you are interested in using (you can use it on more obviously, but its a hassle to configure each one). I've also had issues with reliability using code-server, so sometimes it requires you to ssh in and restart the process.

A better alternative would be something like sshcode [link], since this will allow you to ssh into any machine and automatically start up a code-server instance. Better yet, local settings are synced between the client and host. However, there is no port for native iOS yet.. ( see the link ).

jraycv commented 4 years ago

Did you guys try this for iPad

They are as well doing a new updates

mrV25 commented 4 years ago

Have VS Code server running on a mac now and connected to it via an iPad. Made a typo in a filename. How do I right click to rename?

wei commented 4 years ago

@mrV25 Left click on the file name then press enter.

markpanado commented 4 years ago

Wouldn't it maybe even be possible to get a raspberry pi as dev server? Two scenarios come to my mind:

Raspberry Pi VNC

Connect Raspberry Pi to iPad via usb-c (the new Pi 4 has native usb-c plug) and iPads ethernet over usb-c. Have VNC active on the device. Connect with Jump Desktop or any other VNC client from iPad to Pi.

Raspberry Pi SSH/Coder

Same as above, only use either VS Code Coder server on Pi or just use Coda to build a SSH/SFTP connection to the Pi. This could also work over bluetooth instead of usb-c (

Having a little "development box" that does the actual computing, working even if offline (while traveling), could be awesome. I just wonder if internet can be shared from iPad to the Pi with these kind of settings.

I think this is a better approach 👍

changkun commented 4 years ago

Is there anyone working on this? Or this is still unplanned?

Ehco1996 commented 4 years ago

Is there anyone working on this? Or this is still unplanned?

have a try with code-server


chriseckl commented 4 years ago

Would be really great to have this!

kamasylvia commented 4 years ago

Sounds good! We don’t need a full function VSCode for iPad. A small editor with only remote ssh is enough, extensions can be installed on the host.

felipefdl commented 4 years ago

It will be great! Please @microsoft

bkniffler commented 4 years ago

I've been using my Raspberry Pi4 4gb a bit and it has sufficient performance for nodeJS development. The iPad can tether wirelessly through Bluetooth, USB-C or Wifi. Bluetooth works good while leaving the Pi connected to a powerbank in a bag. With Coda on my iPad I've been able to get some work done during a plane flight, but I'm totally missing the autocompletion, syntax highlighting, autoformating etc.

code-server works pretty good, very similar to vscode. You can pin the web app to your home screen so it behaves similar to an real app, so no url bar. code-server will become ARM/Pi compatible this month according to the developer ( I'm pretty sure that code-server + iPad + external keyboard (Apple Magic Keyboard) will make for a very nice offline capable setup.

Even a native vscode lite with SSH host seems like a stretch, I believe a big challenge of vscode was building monacco, which will need a ton of work to be natively running on iOS (or android). All the plugins like eslint, prettier etc would need reimplementations, since they would need to run on the client device (iOS). I don't believe anyone would be so committed to build vscode from scratch just to be able to dev on an iPad. So our best bet, IMHO will be remote access or something like code-server.

Hubro commented 4 years ago

Microsoft already have Excel, Word, Outlook etc. out for the iPad, it seems only logical to release a native client for Visual Studio Online too, whenever that comes out.

jobukkit commented 4 years ago

Textastic is a good code editor for iOS.

ee0pdt commented 4 years ago works nicely on Safari. Has full VSCode editor embedded. Highly recommend for Desktop but don’t have my own iPad to fully test it there. Anyone else tried it?

jakoblorz commented 4 years ago

@ee0pdt Yeah I believe it does work equally well as with full-browser based vs-code environments such as code-server. The problem isn‘t to find an environment where vs-code runs in a browser. It‘s that the keybinds rarely translate correctly.

iOS has a deal breaking bug for something like to work.

Certain and critical key events are not fired for input/textarea fields (arrow keys, system keys). VSCode's editor at it's core depends on these missing key events. I tried a nasty hack where I would intercept i,j,k,l with the only working modifier (alt) events and rewrite the event to look like arrow keys. It's terrible but I did get the editor sort of working.

Apple needs to fix this. I sent an "angry rant" to an old friend of mine who works with the UIKit team so they know...

Concerning, there are additional bugs when visited from the IPad:

TechSnazzy commented 4 years ago

Adobe found a way to create a full version of Photoshop for iPad so Microsoft should be able to make a full version of VS code as well.

rvanlieshout commented 4 years ago

Adobe found a way to create a full version of Photoshop for iPad so Microsoft should be able to make a full version of VS code as well.

@TechSnazzy Sure they are, but are you willing to pay for it?

ondrejmirtes commented 4 years ago

It took them 30 years so be patient ;)

Offbeatmammal commented 4 years ago

while VSCode Remote Dev or something like the Coder remote solution are good for connected scenarios, I would still really love to see a stand-alone, offline, version of VSCode that can use local/OneDrive hosted files for basic HTML/CSS/Javascript development. Adding a decent javascript console would help debugging. Longer term I'd love to see PHP and MySQL living on my iPadPro as well (hey, a boy can dream right?!)

headmelted commented 4 years ago

I believe this might actually be possible on the device but I haven't had time to look into it.

I have a 2018 iPad with a keyboard cover that I could dig out but I'm not sure how Apple handles app to app communication on iOS.

Essentially I would think you could run the VS Code remote server inside iSH directly on the iPad, then connect to it from Safari - so you'd be working directly in Safari but the terminal would be connecting to iSH - I'm unsure if iSH has permissions to host a web server on the device though.

thomasio101 commented 4 years ago

Couldn’t we make a thin client for remote development? I think this would be pretty great as most functionality of VS Code doesn’t involve UI extensions.

Honestly, a minimum viable product of this would only need to include a code editor and a file explorer. Though we might need to think of this in components (I do not have experience with IOS development, so please bear with me.) as in:

A code editor

A file explorer

Post-MVP features

I would like to note that one component which isn’t strictly necessary, but which might be useful, is an integrated console.