microsoft / vso-agent

Visual Studio Team Services and TFS agent for Mac OSX and Linux
MIT License
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Issues with incremental builds and disk space due to SourceRootMapping hashing bug #305

Closed ppanyukov closed 8 years ago

ppanyukov commented 8 years ago

The builds we are running always do new clone of repos. On our system this is due differences in hash code calculations between plugins/build/sourceMappings.js and scm/lib/scmprovider.js.

The result is:

The code in question:


        var hashInput = expectedMap.collectionId + ':' + expectedMap.definitionId + ':' + endpoint.url;
        var hashProvider = crypto.createHash("sha256");
        hashProvider.update(hashInput, 'utf8');
        var hash = hashProvider.digest('hex');

scm/lib/scmprovider.js: :

    public getHashKey() {
        var hash = null;

        if (this.endpoint.url) {
            var hashProvider = crypto.createHash("sha256");
            hashProvider.update(this.endpoint.url, 'utf8');
            hash = hashProvider.digest('hex');

        return hash;

I have confirmed that changing plugins/build/sourceMappings.js to only use endpoint.url for hashing resolves the issue once the _work/SourceRootMapping are deleted (which forces to created them).

This behaviour is a bit odd because I'm almost certain everything used to work correctly in the past. Not 100% sure though.

ericsciple commented 8 years ago

@ppanyukov Are you on or using on-premises TFS?

ppanyukov commented 8 years ago

@ericsciple on, using git repos.

ericsciple commented 8 years ago

Great! Can you try the new vsts-agent that is deprecating the vso-agent?

ppanyukov commented 8 years ago

That is certainly planned, but at the moment we are stuck with this one for the moment. We have quite sophisticated setup, not as easy to swap things out .

ppanyukov commented 8 years ago

hmm, I'm no longer able to reproduce this. Neither with 0.4.5 version or with the latest 0.6.5. Very odd. Maybe something went corrupt at some point and that's what caused the issues. I have the logs _diag logs if anyone is interested. (still don't understand why we do hashing differently though).

Probably can close for now.

bryanmacfarlane commented 8 years ago

OK - it's also fixed in the replacement agent. You should switch over