microsoft / vstest

Visual Studio Test Platform is the runner and engine that powers test explorer and vstest.console.
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Testcase group by namespace in VS shows some testcases in "External" namespace #280

Closed smadala closed 7 years ago

smadala commented 7 years ago


"External " namespace appearing for testcases which have no source info

Steps to reproduce

Open Testplatform.sln in VS Group by namespace in testwindow

Expected behavior

Should be group by proper namespace.

Actual behavior

Some testcases group by namespace External.

codito commented 7 years ago

Same is true for other Group operations in test explorer like Project etc.

AbhitejJohn commented 7 years ago

@smadala: Why isn't there a source info? The "External" grouping is by design for Test Explorer since it doesn't know the data to group on.

codito commented 7 years ago

We need to investigate if the information is flowing from the adapter or is there a miss in the test platform.

niemyjski commented 7 years ago

@smadala as of the most recent commit I'm seeing this with the Foundatio.Azure.Tests project (

screen shot 2017-02-17 at 9 11 34 pm
smadala commented 7 years ago

@niemyjski will fix this scenario. please use workaround for temporary fix.

    <DebugType Condition="'$(TargetFramework)' != '' AND !$(TargetFramework.StartsWith('netcoreapp'))">Full</DebugType>
niemyjski commented 7 years ago

Will this be fixed in RC5 / RTM? I'd rather not update my project file if this will be fixed soon.

smadala commented 7 years ago

Currently not in RTM list. @sbaid @codito.

niemyjski commented 7 years ago

That is sad to hear, I'd think this use case is quite common.

smadala commented 7 years ago

@niemyjski fixed this in Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk: 15.0.0-preview-20170222-09