microsoft / vsts-azurevm-extension

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Support ARM64/aarch64 (#230) #232

Open d4nuu8 opened 3 months ago

lareeth commented 3 months ago

@d4nuu8 Could you sign the CLA as this might be merged 🤞

d4nuu8 commented 3 months ago

I'm waiting for approval of our legal department 🙁

d4nuu8 commented 3 months ago

@microsoft-github-policy-service agree company="KUKA Deutschland GmbH"

lareeth commented 3 months ago


arcilli commented 2 months ago

@d4nuu8 is there gonna be an official release for this one or it's gonna be generally available as soon as it's merged?

lareeth commented 2 months ago

@arcilli it's up to Microsoft as @d4nuu8 is just a external contributor

jgalliers commented 1 month ago

Any way to nudge this along? This would be incredibly valuable and is a real blocker to cross-architecture builds on Azure DevOps. With the rise of ARM64/AARCH64 with more and more Mac M1/M2 machines, this capability is really important to most large organisations.

lareeth commented 1 month ago

I would suggest emailing with something to the effect of

Dear Microsoft Open Source,

Please can you provide some support in prioritising a feature request for Azure DevOps, this feature request provides support for VMSS pools using ARM64 architecture. This is a important feature especially with Azure's support for ARM64 based instances, and the announcement of Server 2025 supporting ARM64.

Please can you respond to the feature request: 
Pull Request:


jgalliers commented 1 month ago

@mmrazik @tkasparek Hi friends. We were put in contact over email about the possibility of getting this feature moving - can you share what we need to do for that to happen? Thank you! 🙏

d4nuu8 commented 2 weeks ago

There is a private preview which enables arm64 agents. I guess nobody should expect this getting merged soon. I don't know why nobody from MS can write this here.

I'll keep this open anyways.

lareeth commented 2 weeks ago

@d4nuu8 Do you have any details of this private preview? As Azure DevOps installs this extension in VMSS, so I would be surprised if they had ARM64 working as this PR is required to get it working. The agent already supports ARM64 its just the extension that has this issue