microsoft / windows-container-tools

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[BUG] LogMonitor.exe version reads 2.0.0.LM_BUILDMINORVERSION instead of 2.0.0 #145

Closed mloskot closed 1 year ago

mloskot commented 1 year ago

There seem to be unexpected garbage included in the version number embedded in the executable:

$ (Get-Item .\LogMonitor.exe).VersionInfo | Format-List

OriginalFilename  : LogMonitor.exe
FileDescription   : Windows Container Log Monitor
ProductName       : Windows Container Log Monitor
Comments          :
CompanyName       : Microsoft
FileName          : F:\Docker\docker-images-apps\download\LogMonitor.exe
FileVersion       : 2.0.0.LM_BUILDMINORVERSION
ProductVersion    : 2.0.0.LM_BUILDMINORVERSION
IsDebug           : False
IsPatched         : False
IsPreRelease      : False
IsPrivateBuild    : False
IsSpecialBuild    : False
Language          : English (United States)
LegalCopyright    : (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
LegalTrademarks   :
PrivateBuild      :
SpecialBuild      :
FileVersionRaw    :
ProductVersionRaw :

which may be due to the fact the preprocessor define is seemingly required

but actually optional and undefined

CharityKathure commented 1 year ago

@mloskot Thank you for raising this. The issue has been addressed by this PR: