microsoft / windows-dev-box-setup-scripts

Scripts to simplify setting up a Windows developer box
MIT License
1.5k stars 367 forks source link

Main links and Overall functionality. #106

Open Vampeyer opened 5 months ago

Vampeyer commented 5 months ago

Please go to and create your issue there. Thank you!

0 . ---- I am not going there , it is the creator and maintiner of this repo's RESPONSIBILITY to MAINTAIN and CLEAN UP THEIR OWN SOFTWARE after them selves , and always remember too flush the toilet.

--0 - the creator is the maintainer of their own repo , they can come here and check and follow up themselves, just as I have taken the time out to write this.

---#1 - Fix your communications and responsibility issues immediately. ---# 2 , Fix your app , I tell my colleagues to NEVER make something that requires a download from github. If you dont like that then well , you obviously have some serious skill issues we can talk one on one about.

----#3 , I am here from microsoft learn

and this link -

--on your MAIN GITHUB PAGE that MICROSOFT LEARN DIRECTS ME TOO , is broken. ---- Its just a powershell script download , whats the deal ? --- Cant you even make a successful zip file for a normal functional download? -------ALL Self Sabotaging software actions will be carefully and fully documented from here on out.

IDisposable commented 5 months ago

Someone's got a case of the grumpies

Vampeyer commented 5 months ago

Someone's got a case of the grumpies

Indeed sir , may I ask , can you compile a simple .NET Maui Application on Win 10 from this article ?

Indeed I am not entirely alone , the issue has remained persistent -

My details can be seen here ,

Yes yes , these cases occur when someone is stopped from teaching their community about simple compilation and cannot due to the proceedings of Visual Studio to compile them - on a fully functioning operating system. -I could not even compile C# code , froma basic install, I would have at least hoped that very critical , very small issue was maybe looked at , but I was wrong.

Oh boy , was I wrong. - If oyu get this error -

'MauiApp1.exe' (CoreCLR: clrhost): Loaded 'C:\Program Files\dotnet\shared\Microsoft.NETCore.App\8.0.4\System.Numerics.Vectors.dll'. Skipped loading symbols. Module is optimized and the debugger option 'Just My Code' is enabled. The program '[50600] MauiApp1.exe' has exited with code 2147942405 (0x80070005).

Just know , its like a bad relationship where someone says , " Its not you , its me "