microsoft / windows-dev-box-setup-scripts

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dev_web_nodejs.ps1 stall at Installing visual studio workload #79

Open ddieppa opened 5 years ago

ddieppa commented 5 years ago

was running the dev_web_nodejs script and got a few red messages, but the problem really happens when installing Visual Studio workloads, here is the screenshot:


the script stall there like for more than an hour, any clue? and then got this:


here are the print screen of the other issues found, perhaps they are related:




yodurr commented 5 years ago

It's strange the title window says "Select Ubuntu 18.04" but that could just be an artifact of installing Ubuntu for WSL earlier in the script.

Any chance you went offline during the install? Adding @crutkas who's more familiar with the visual studio installation.

crutkas commented 5 years ago

can we get the logs?

we did just update VS to 15.9, wonder if that could have caused an issue with Choco?

ddieppa commented 5 years ago

Here is the Boxstarter and Chocolatey log files, sorry for the delay boxstarter.log chocolatey.log

AdmiringWorm commented 5 years ago

If I may, let me chime in a little here after looking at the issue and the logs.

Lets start with the failure of the Visual Studio installation, this is basically just the installation timing out because Visual Studio (or in this case, the workload) uses too long. By default, chocolatey have a default timeout of 2700 seconds (45 minutes).

I've seen myself when setting up my own computers that this sometimes isn't enough time when installing visual studio and their worloads. In this case, I would suggest editing the script and update the timeout to be a little longer (personally I use something like 2 hours or so).

That can be easily achieved by adding --timeout 7200 to the command for installing visual studio (and the workloads). The reason it seems to stall though, is because by default the package is installing visual studio in silent/quiet mode, without showing the progress. If you wish to see the progress, you add the following to the choco install command: --package-parameters='"/passive"' (The order of the quotes is important here).

Now onto the second error, which would be the missing string terminator.

Looking at the history of the repo, this makes me actually believe that you perhaps is using an outdated edition of the repository, where the quotation of the arguments were used incorrectly. I would suggest that you either update to the latest master commit, or go through each install script in the repo and changing the quotation to be correct. (for instance, the quotes for git should be in the following order seen here:

Now for the last error (I'm skipping the subsystem one, since I'm not familiar with it): This is/was most likely due to the google chrome package being outdated, it usually is a few hours after google released a new version before a new one is available on chocolatey. This usually reslults in checksum errors during this time, as the same url is used for every version of Google Chrome.

/cc @ddieppa