microsoft / windows-rs

Rust for Windows
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Can't see feature requirement for methods #3123

Closed Cinimajig closed 1 week ago

Cinimajig commented 1 week ago


I'll use INetwork::GetName as en example.

I was trying to call the above method on the INetwork interface, but it does not exist. I then looked up the function on windows-docs-rs, but I cant see what feature I'm missing to use it.

Image of windows-docs-rs

I then tried to find the interface on the feature searcher, but it does not mention methods, only the interface itself... How are we supposed to find this information?

Crate manifest

name = "networklist"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"

lto = true
codegen-units = 1
strip = true

windows = { version = "0.57.0", features = [
] }

Crate code

fn enum_network() -> windows::core::Result<()> {
    use windows::Win32::{Networking::NetworkListManager::*, System::Com::*};

    unsafe {
        CoInitializeEx(None, COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED).ok()?;
        let manager: INetworkListManager = CoCreateInstance(&NetworkListManager, None, CLSCTX_ALL)?;

        let enumer = manager.GetNetworkConnections()?;

        let mut conn: [Option<INetworkConnection>; 10] = Default::default();
        let mut amount: u32 = 10;
        while let Ok(_) = enumer.Next(&mut conn, Some(&mut amount)) {
            if amount == 0 {
            for connection in &conn {
                match connection {
                    Some(connection) => {
                        let network = connection.GetNetwork()?;

                        let cat = network.GetCategory()?;
                        let description = network.GetDescription()?;
                        let name = connection.GetName()?; // <-- Error here

                        println!("Network name : {}", name);
                        println!("Description  : {}", description);
                        println!("Category     : {}", cat.0);
                    None => (),

riverar commented 1 week ago

Ah, sorry for the confusion. In this example, you will need:


We're still working on the best way to expose all features required at all levels of the type hierarchy, without bloating up the docs, features index, crate, etc.

Cinimajig commented 1 week ago

But I already have that... You can see them in the Crate Manifest.

riverar commented 1 week ago

Oh my mistake, I missed your full sample!

So the error is:

error[E0599]: no method named `GetName` found for reference `&Networking::NetworkListManager::INetworkConnection` in the current scope

INetworkConnection doesn't have a GetName method.

riverar commented 1 week ago

Did you mean for let name = connection.GetName()?; to be let name = network.GetName()?; instead?

Cinimajig commented 1 week ago

Oh wownyeah. Totally missed that. My bad 😅

riverar commented 1 week ago

Will close this one as fixed then. Have fun!