microsoft / winget-cli

WinGet is the Windows Package Manager. This project includes a CLI (Command Line Interface), PowerShell modules, and a COM (Component Object Model) API (Application Programming Interface).
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Customizable output for search #1768

Open denelon opened 2 years ago

denelon commented 2 years ago

Description of the new feature / enhancement

I want to be able to customize the output for search. I would like to be able to configure the columns displayed as well as the order the columns are presented.

If the "--source" or "-s" option is specified, and more than one source is configured, the output must still display the source. If it is not specified it would be the last column in the display.


Name                Id                  Version Source
Microsoft PowerToys XP89DCGQ3K6VLD      Unknown msstore
PowerToys (Preview) Microsoft.PowerToys 0.51.0  winget
PS C:\Users\denelon> winget search code
Name                                    Id                                  Version  Match         Source
Code Connection for Minecraft           9PPFPG2FG2QB                        Unknown                msstore
Ink To Code, a Microsoft Garage Project 9NDGPLB2WG95                        Unknown                msstore
Code Writer                             9WZDNCRFHZDT                        Unknown                msstore
Photo Scan : OCR and QR Code Scanner    9NBLGGH4S87W                        Unknown                msstore
WiFi QR Code Scanner                    9PNHNRBG9WLH                        Unknown                msstore
Serris Code Editor                      9NBLGGH4RM22                        Unknown                msstore
QR-Code Generator                       9PB220Q9NZZR                        Unknown                msstore
#Code                                   9NBLGGH4S3MF                        Unknown                msstore
Pokémon Go friend code                  9NKJ8B9PFXZX                        Unknown                msstore
QR Code Generator for Windows 10        9PC44CJ7VCG4                        Unknown                msstore
Send To QR Code                         9WZDNCRFJHJ9                        Unknown                msstore
Visual Studio Code                      XP9KHM4BK9FZ7Q                      Unknown                msstore
1D/2D Code Maker                        9N850ZC519KH                        Unknown                msstore
TPM Return Code Decoder                 9NBLGGH4V8NP                        Unknown                msstore
Morse Code Dot Dot Dot                  9NBLGGH62NZC                        Unknown                msstore
QR Code Me                              9NBLGGH5WLB6                        Unknown                msstore
Modulo Code                             9NJ8QXS4FZ2V                        Unknown                msstore
Code de la Route                        9WZDNCRFJ236                        Unknown                msstore
Quick Code                              9P4T11G2MMQM                        Unknown                msstore
Zip Code Report                         9NX0GGLVJ889                        Unknown                msstore
Microsoft Visual Studio Code            Microsoft.VisualStudioCode          1.62.3   Command: code winget
GDevelop                                GDevelop.GDevelop                   5.0.122  Tag: code     winget
NoteHighlight2016                       elvirbrk.notehighlight2016          3.7      Tag: code     winget
Cppcheck                                Cppcheck.Cppcheck                   2.6      Tag: code     winget
CodeLite                                CodeLite.CodeLite                   15.0.0   Tag: code     winget
Password Generator 2020 Pro Trial       BinaryMark.PasswordGenerator        3.0      Tag: code     winget
Lepton                                  hackjutsu.Lepton                    1.10.0   Tag: code     winget
Ut Video Codec Suite                    UMEZAWATakeshi.UtvideoCodecSuite    23.0.0                 winget
iNFekt NFO Viewer                       syndicode.iNFektNFOViewer           1.0.1                  winget
Peacock                                 spikecodes.peacock                  2.3.5                  winget
Econap                                  SelectCode.econap                         winget
VidCoder                                RandomEngy.VidCoder                 6.43                   winget
RapidCRC                                OV2.RapidCRCUnicode                 0.3.36                 winget
AMD Encoder for OBS Studio              OBSProject.obs-amd-encoder                winget
Packet Sender                           NagleCode.PacketSender              7.2.3                  winget
Recode Converter                        murgatt.recode-converter            1.2.0                  winget
Microsoft Visual Studio Code Insiders   Microsoft.VisualStudioCode.Insiders 1.63.0                 winget
Code Notes                              lauthieb.code-notes                 1.2.4                  winget
SciDAVis                                HighPerformanceCoders.SciDAVis      2.4.0                  winget
FocusWriter                             GottCode.FocusWriter                1.7.6                  winget
Screenshot Captor                       DonationCoder.ScreenshotCaptor      4.36.2                 winget
Find and Run Robot                      DonationCoder.FindandRunRobot       2.239.03               winget
Borderless Gaming                       Codeusa.BorderlessGaming            9.5.6                  winget
TeraCopy                                CodeSector.TeraCopy                 3.8.5                  winget
Launchy                                 CodeJelly.Launchy                   2.5.0                  winget
ScienceFair                             CodeforScience.ScienceFair          1.0.6                  winget
Violin                                  CodeF0x.violin                            winget
Code::Blocks                            Codeblocks.Codeblocks               20.03                  winget
carnac                                  code52.Carnac                       2.3.13                 winget
Avocode                                 Avocode.Avocode                     4.15.1                 winget
massCode                                antonreshetov.massCode              1.3.0                  winget
MrCode                                  zokugun.MrCode                      1.62.3.…               winget
VidCoder Beta                           RandomEngy.VidCoder.Beta            7.0                    winget
Codex                                   jcv8000.Codex                       1.3.1                  winget
Misfit Model 3D                         MisfitCode.MisfitModel3D            1.2.4                  winget
Misfit Model 3D (Dev)                 1.3.8                  winget
K-Lite Codec Pack Basic                 CodecGuide.K-LiteCodecPack.Basic    16.5.3                 winget
K-Lite Codec Pack Full                  CodecGuide.K-LiteCodecPack.Full     16.5.3                 winget
K-Lite Codec Pack Standard              CodecGuide.K-LiteCodecPack.Standard 16.5.3                 winget
K-Lite Mega Codec Pack                  CodecGuide.K-LiteCodecPack.Mega     16.5.3                 winget
Pure Codec                              Dio.PureCodec                       20211101               winget
Shutter Encoder                         PaulPacifico.ShutterEncoder         15.5                   winget
Master PDF Editor                       CodeIndustry.MasterPdfEditor        5.8.20                 winget
Zint                                    Zint.Zint                   Tag: barcode  winget
VSCodium                                VSCodium.VSCodium                   1.62.3   Tag: vscode   winget
winLAME                                 vividos.winLAME                     2.20.1.… Tag: encoder  winget
Vim                                     vim.vim                             8.2.3717 Tag: code-ed… winget
微信开发者工具                          Tencent.wechat-devtool              1.05.21… Tag: vscode   winget
Utilso                                  SerhiiSlieptsov.Utilso              3.7.7    Tag: decode   winget
NSwagStudio                             RicoSuter.NSwagStudio               13.14.8… Tag: CodeGen  winget
QTextPad                                QTextPad.QTextPad                   1.8      Tag: code ed… winget
PrusaSlicer                             Prusa3D.PrusaSlicer                 2.3.3    Tag: gcode    winget
Huawei QuickApp IDE                     Huawei.QuickAppIde                  11.4.2   Tag: vscode   winget
HandBrake                               HandBrake.HandBrake                 1.4.2    Tag: transco… winget
Noty                                    FabioSpampinato.Noty                2.2.0    Tag: firacode winget
TheiaBlueprint                          EclipseFoundation.TheiaBlueprint    1.16.0   Tag: vscode   winget
JCreator Pro                            XinoxSoftware.Jcreator.Pro          5.10.002 Tag: code co… winget
JCreator LE                             XinoxSoftware.Jcreator.LE           5.10.002 Tag: code-co… winget
Batch Encoding Converter Free Edition   BinaryMark.BatchEncodingConverter   5.0      Tag: code-pa… winget
Batch Text File Editor Free Edition     BinaryMark.BatchTextFileEditor      5.0      Tag: code-ed… winget
iTop Screen Recorder                    iTop.iTopScreenRecorder   … Tag: screen-… winget

Some other package managers display a single value and use multiple values on each line. This work item is not intended to modify the general UX output for that case. Maybe in the future we could consider condensing the display for single value output selections.

Proposed technical implementation details

No response

Trenly commented 1 year ago

[Policy] Area-Output