microsoft / winget-cli

WinGet is the Windows Package Manager. This project includes a CLI (Command Line Interface), PowerShell modules, and a COM (Component Object Model) API (Application Programming Interface).
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Access denied (0xc0000005) when running under Windows 10 version 17763 #4574

Open leberechtreinhold opened 1 week ago

leberechtreinhold commented 1 week ago

Brief description of your issue

When running winget --list with scope machine on a Windows 10x86 build 17763, it crashes.

The reason is because PopulateIndexFromMSIX ( calls FindProvisionedPackages. This however seems to return a null value which is not catch by the catch hresult and is therefore a nullptr.

Looking at documentation, it does seem the minimum build would be 19041, not 17763, as stated in docs.

Windows 10, version 2004 (introduced in 10.0.19041.0)


void PopulateIndexFromMSIX(SQLiteIndex& index, Manifest::ScopeEnum scope, SQLiteIndex* cacheData = nullptr)
    AICLI_LOG(Repo, Verbose, << "Examining MSIX entries for " << ScopeToString(scope));

    IIterable<Package> packages;
    PackageManager packageManager;
    if (scope == Manifest::ScopeEnum::Machine)
        packages = packageManager.FindProvisionedPackages();

// --------------
template <typename D> auto consume_Windows_Management_Deployment_IPackageManager9<D>::FindProvisionedPackages() const
    void* packageCollection{};
    return winrt::Windows::Foundation::Collections::IVector<winrt::Windows::ApplicationModel::Package>{ packageCollection, take_ownership_from_abi };

// -------------- 
int32_t __stdcall FindProvisionedPackages(void** packageCollection) noexcept final try
    typename D::abi_guard guard(this->shim());
    *packageCollection = detach_from<winrt::Windows::Foundation::Collections::IVector<winrt::Windows::ApplicationModel::Package>>(this->shim().FindProvisionedPackages());
    return 0;
catch (...) { return to_hresult(); }

Steps to reproduce

Run winget --list with scope machine

Expected behavior

Not crash, return the base products. Since that specific os didnt have MSStore, it should be empty.

Actual behavior



Compiled release-v1.7.11261


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leberechtreinhold commented 1 week ago

^ That crash happens with the package itself being null, here's the FindProvisionedPackages call.