microsoft / winget-cli

WinGet is the Windows Package Manager. This project includes a CLI (Command Line Interface), PowerShell modules, and a COM (Component Object Model) API (Application Programming Interface).
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Interacting at all with the `winget` source hangs #4576

Closed clin1234 closed 3 days ago

clin1234 commented 1 week ago

Brief description of your issue

Attempting to list installed packages updates hangs, or update sources hangs

Steps to reproduce

  1. winget list --verbose or winget update --verbose

Expected behavior

List installed packages or updates.

Actual behavior

The indicator simply swirls around indefinitely.

Log attatched. WinGet-2024-06-21-15-51-26.570.log


Windows Package Manager v1.7.11261
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Windows: Windows.Desktop v10.0.26241.5000
System Architecture: X64
Package: Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller v1.22.11261.0

Winget Directories
Logs                               %LOCALAPPDATA%\Packages\Microsoft.Deskt…
User Settings                      %LOCALAPPDATA%\Packages\Microsoft.Deskt…
Portable Links Directory (User)    %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\WinGet\Links
Portable Links Directory (Machine) C:\Program Files\WinGet\Links
Portable Package Root (User)       %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\WinGet\Packages
Portable Package Root              C:\Program Files\WinGet\Packages
Portable Package Root (x86)        C:\Program Files (x86)\WinGet\Packages
Installer Downloads                %USERPROFILE%\Downloads

Privacy Statement
License Agreement
Third Party Notices
Windows Store Terms

Admin Setting                             State
LocalManifestFiles                        Disabled
BypassCertificatePinningForMicrosoftStore Disabled
InstallerHashOverride                     Enabled
LocalArchiveMalwareScanOverride           Disabled
github-actions[bot] commented 1 week ago

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mdanish-kh commented 1 week ago

Could you try running winget source reset --force from an administrative terminal and then check again?

[comment]: <[Policy] Issue-Bug>

clin1234 commented 1 week ago

Nope. Running winget update --verbose still hangs. Had to Ctrl-C. Output:

C:\Users\ךינשגכהד>winget update --verbose-logs
Failed in attempting to update the source: winget
Failed when opening source(s); try the 'source reset' command if the problem persists.
An unexpected error occurred while executing the command:
0x8007139f : The group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested operation.

Here's the attatched log: WinGet-2024-06-22-15-23-44.971.log

mdanish-kh commented 1 week ago

How about updating the source manually through the command:

Add-AppxPackage -Path ""

(If for some reason that command doesn't work, you can download the source package manually from the URL and double-click on the .msix file to run)

clin1234 commented 1 week ago

Did't work. Tried the pwsh command and manual download.

Here are the logs: WinGet-2024-06-23-09-03-08.165.log WinGet-2024-06-23-09-01-17.434.log AppInstaller-2024-06-23-09-00-52.010.log AppInstaller-2024-06-23-09-00-52.882.log AppInstaller-2024-06-23-09-00-45.856.log AppInstaller-2024-06-20-21-30-37.317.log WinGet-2024-06-23-08-50-56.829.log WinGet-2024-06-23-08-49-48.980.log

yao-msft commented 1 week ago

All the above logs end abruptly at

"2024-06-23 08:50:57.381 [REPO] Adding to aggregated source: winget"

One of them having

"2024-06-22 15:26:30.547 [FAIL] C:__w\1\s\external\pkg\src\AppInstallerRepositoryCore\RepositorySource.cpp(520)\WindowsPackageManager.dll!00007FFA71743B79: (caller: 00007FFA7174546A) Exception(1) tid(3d14) 8007139F The group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested operation. "

Which indicates the sources are in a bad state.

Could you run "winget source reset --force" again and share the logs? Worst case, we may need to investigate some additional data files at: C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller_8wekyb3d8bbwe\Settings

clin1234 commented 1 week ago

Resetting the source this time allowed listing updates and searching. Here are the logs

WinGet-2024-06-24-07-43-18.540.log WinGet-2024-06-24-07-42-54.702.log WinGet-2024-06-24-07-42-47.744.log

yao-msft commented 6 days ago

Resetting the source this time allowed listing updates and searching. Here are the logs

WinGet-2024-06-24-07-43-18.540.log WinGet-2024-06-24-07-42-54.702.log WinGet-2024-06-24-07-42-47.744.log

Thanks. Glad it's working again. The logs do show reset is successful (user_sources and sources_metadata are removed). I can only guess the previous reset attempt did not complete.