microsoft / winget-cli

WinGet is the Windows Package Manager. This project includes a CLI (Command Line Interface), PowerShell modules, and a COM (Component Object Model) API (Application Programming Interface).
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Repair-WinGetPackageManager does not detect provisioned but not registered state #4603

Open JohnMcPMS opened 2 days ago

JohnMcPMS commented 2 days ago

Brief description of your issue

Repair-WinGetPackageManager does not detect the state where the package has been provisioned for the machine but not registered for the user. This may lead to a failure if the provisioning step does an async registration that does not complete before we attempt to check for the registration side effects.

Detecting this state is complicated by the fact that there is no obvious way to use the PS commands to find a staged package without elevation. If we are running elevated, we can add -AllUsers to the existing check as a fix. If not, we either need to request changes to Get-AppxPackage or find another mechanism.

Steps to reproduce

Provision the package, then remove it for the user. Note that the repair state machine will detect this as "not installed" rather than "not registered".

Expected behavior

The repair state machine registers the package.

Actual behavior

The repair state machine determines "not installed", leading to unnecessary downloads or an error if the provisioning of the previous state didn't register for the user in time.


Latest PS module: 1.8.1791
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