These words are not needed and should be removed
cspell Toolpackage
To accept these unrecognized words as correct and remove the previously acknowledged and now absent words,
you could run the following commands
... in a clone of the []( repository
on the `createPublishPipeline` branch ([:information_source: how do I use this?](
``` sh
curl -s -S -L '' |
perl - ''
If the flagged items are :exploding_head: false positives
If items relate to a ...
* binary file (or some other file you wouldn't want to check at all).
Please add a file path to the `excludes.txt` file matching the containing file.
File paths are Perl 5 Regular Expressions - you can [test]( yours before committing to verify it will match your files.
`^` refers to the file's path from the root of the repository, so `^README\.md$` would exclude [](
../tree/HEAD/ (on whichever branch you're using).
* well-formed pattern.
If you can write a [pattern]( that would match it,
try adding it to the `patterns.txt` file.
Patterns are Perl 5 Regular Expressions - you can [test]( yours before committing to verify it will match your lines.
Note that patterns can't match multiline strings.
These words are not needed and should be removed
cspell Toolpackage
To accept these unrecognized words as correct and remove the previously acknowledged and now absent words,
you could run the following commands
... in a clone of the []( repository
on the `createPublishPipeline` branch ([:information_source: how do I use this?](
``` sh
curl -s -S -L '' |
perl - ''
If the flagged items are :exploding_head: false positives
If items relate to a ...
* binary file (or some other file you wouldn't want to check at all).
Please add a file path to the `excludes.txt` file matching the containing file.
File paths are Perl 5 Regular Expressions - you can [test]( yours before committing to verify it will match your files.
`^` refers to the file's path from the root of the repository, so `^README\.md$` would exclude [](
../tree/HEAD/ (on whichever branch you're using).
* well-formed pattern.
If you can write a [pattern]( that would match it,
try adding it to the `patterns.txt` file.
Patterns are Perl 5 Regular Expressions - you can [test]( yours before committing to verify it will match your lines.
Note that patterns can't match multiline strings.
These words are not needed and should be removed
cspell Toolpackage
To accept these unrecognized words as correct and remove the previously acknowledged and now absent words,
you could run the following commands
... in a clone of the []( repository
on the `createPublishPipeline` branch ([:information_source: how do I use this?](
``` sh
curl -s -S -L '' |
perl - ''
Warnings (1)
#### See the [:open_file_folder: files]( view, the [:scroll:action log](, or [:memo: job summary]( for details.
[:warning: Warnings]( | Count
[:warning: non-alpha-in-dictionary]( | 1
See [:warning: Event descriptions]( for more information.
If the flagged items are :exploding_head: false positives
If items relate to a ...
* binary file (or some other file you wouldn't want to check at all).
Please add a file path to the `excludes.txt` file matching the containing file.
File paths are Perl 5 Regular Expressions - you can [test]( yours before committing to verify it will match your files.
`^` refers to the file's path from the root of the repository, so `^README\.md$` would exclude [](
../tree/HEAD/ (on whichever branch you're using).
* well-formed pattern.
If you can write a [pattern]( that would match it,
try adding it to the `patterns.txt` file.
Patterns are Perl 5 Regular Expressions - you can [test]( yours before committing to verify it will match your lines.
Note that patterns can't match multiline strings.
To accept these unrecognized words as correct,
you could run the following commands
... in a clone of the []( repository
on the `createPublishPipeline` branch ([:information_source: how do I use this?](
``` sh
curl -s -S -L '' |
perl - ''
If the flagged items are :exploding_head: false positives
If items relate to a ...
* binary file (or some other file you wouldn't want to check at all).
Please add a file path to the `excludes.txt` file matching the containing file.
File paths are Perl 5 Regular Expressions - you can [test]( yours before committing to verify it will match your files.
`^` refers to the file's path from the root of the repository, so `^README\.md$` would exclude [](
../tree/HEAD/ (on whichever branch you're using).
* well-formed pattern.
If you can write a [pattern]( that would match it,
try adding it to the `patterns.txt` file.
Patterns are Perl 5 Regular Expressions - you can [test]( yours before committing to verify it will match your lines.
Note that patterns can't match multiline strings.
Creates a new internal yaml pipeline that will be used to publish individual modules as needed. Utilizes the governed template.
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