microsoft / winrtc

The WinRTC project hosts everything needed to build apps with interoperable real time communications for modern Windows. It brings the power of WebRTC to modern Windows apps written in C#, C++ and VB. WinRTC enables real-time voice calling, video chat and data functionality (file transfer etc.) with web browsers via WebRTC.
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Getting error building MyFirstWinRTC from github. #116

Open halaharr opened 3 years ago

halaharr commented 3 years ago

I am getting error when trying to build the MyFirstWinRTC project. Looks like Microsoft.WinRTC.libwebrtc.uwp is no longer availavle. Please see the attached image.


dontpanic123 commented 3 years ago

Have you tried with the new version of this Nuget Package: v84.0.14370001-beta.1 ? It can also work when you change some configuration file in the example.

osaghaso commented 3 years ago

You need to download the Microsoft.WinRTC.libwebrtc.uwp.84.0.14370001-beta.1 and that should fix the issues