When FacebookDialog is loading page my app interface is freezed. I found how to solve this bug. WebView should be constructed with argument WebViewExecutionMode::SeparateThread. I changed FacebookDialog.xaml, FacebookDialog.xaml.cpp, FacebookDialog.xaml.h, FacebookLoginButton.cpp, FacebookSession.cpp and FacebookSession.h. But i don't have permissions to merge my chenges to repository. I can send my changes to developers with such permissions, or anybody can suggest other solution. Please merge my changes to main branch.
When FacebookDialog is loading page my app interface is freezed. I found how to solve this bug. WebView should be constructed with argument WebViewExecutionMode::SeparateThread. I changed FacebookDialog.xaml, FacebookDialog.xaml.cpp, FacebookDialog.xaml.h, FacebookLoginButton.cpp, FacebookSession.cpp and FacebookSession.h. But i don't have permissions to merge my chenges to repository. I can send my changes to developers with such permissions, or anybody can suggest other solution. Please merge my changes to main branch.