microsoft / xbox-live-samples

This repo contains the samples that demonstrate the API usage patterns for Microsoft Xbox Live Service. These code samples target the Universal Windows Platform (UWP) and Xbox One XDK. To get access to the Xbox Live service, you can join the Xbox Live Creators Program at, or apply to the ID@Xbox program at
MIT License
143 stars 73 forks source link

Completely broken #108

Open GregSlazinski opened 2 years ago

GregSlazinski commented 2 years ago

What happened to Xbox Live on UWP? is it getting dropped? I've downloaded this repo. Opened in VS 2022, complains: C:\xbox-live-samples-main\Kits\DirectXTK\DirectXTK_Windows10.vcxproj : error : The project file could not be loaded. Could not find file 'C:\xbox-live-samples-main\Kits\DirectXTK\DirectXTK_Windows10.vcxproj'. C:\xbox-live-samples-main\Kits\DirectXTK\DirectXTK_Windows10.vcxproj

Extracted into C:\xbox-live-samples-main\Kits\DirectXTK

Didn't help, same problem.

I had Xbox Live working on UWP, tested couple years ago, that was using - Microsoft.Xbox.Live.SDK.Cpp.UWP.2018.6.20181010.2 from the NuGet Now I tried to run it again, getting bunch of errors: The app shows "we couldn't sign you in" 0x87DD0005 - completely UNHELPFUL VS output shows:

onecore\com\combase\dcomrem\resolver.cxx(2299)\combase.dll!00007FFD92421BED: (caller: 00007FFD92424ACE) ReturnHr(1) tid(4e4) 80040154 Class not registered
onecore\com\combase\dcomrem\resolver.cxx(2507)\combase.dll!00007FFD92424AF6: (caller: 00007FFD92421585) ReturnHr(2) tid(4e4) 80040154 Class not registered
Exception thrown at 0x00007FFD91D24F69 (KernelBase.dll) in Into The Dark.exe: 0x406D1388 (parameters: 0x0000000000001000, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000005D1C).
'Into The Dark.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\Windows.ApplicationModel.dll'. 
'Into The Dark.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\rometadata.dll'. 
'Into The Dark.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\WinMetadata\Windows.System.winmd'. Module was built without symbols.
'Into The Dark.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\Windows.Security.Authentication.Web.Core.dll'. 
'Into The Dark.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\OneCoreCommonProxyStub.dll'. 
'Into The Dark.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\vaultcli.dll'. 
'Into The Dark.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\XblAuthTokenBrokerExt.dll'. 
'Into The Dark.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\XblAuthManagerProxy.dll'. 
onecoreuap\xbox\xblauth\tokenbrokerext\dll\xblauth.cpp(824)\XblAuthTokenBrokerExt.dll!00007FFD71ACC318: (caller: 00007FFD71ACAE19) LogHr(1) tid(d90) 87DD0005 onecoreuap\xbox\xblauth\tokenbrokerext\dll\xblauth.cpp(518)\XblAuthTokenBrokerExt.dll!00007FFD71ACB4BF: (caller: 00007FFD71ACA693) ReturnHr(1) tid(d90) 80070490 Element not found.
04/21/22 13:26:21 [22408] error  - Get token from IDP failed with ResponseStatus:3
'Into The Dark.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\Windows.StateRepositoryClient.dll'. 
onecoreuap\xbox\xblauth\tokenbrokerext\dll\xblauth.cpp(824)\XblAuthTokenBrokerExt.dll!00007FFD71ACC318: (caller: 00007FFD71ACAE19) LogHr(2) tid(d90) 87DD0005 onecoreuap\xbox\xblauth\tokenbrokerext\dll\xblauth.cpp(518)\XblAuthTokenBrokerExt.dll!00007FFD71ACB4BF: (caller: 00007FFD71ACA693) ReturnHr(2) tid(d90) 80070490 Element not found.
onecore\com\combase\dcomrem\preventrundownbias.cpp(1310)\combase.dll!00007FFD9244D3AC: (caller: 00007FFD9244D1D9) LogHr(1) tid(3e90) 80070005 Access is denied.

completely UNHELPFUL

So I figured I'll run official samples and see if they work. But your projects are broken. So what happened, Xbox Live is not supported anymore on UWP? I have a game I want to sell on Xbox. Should I just get rid of Xbox Live?

jasonsandlin commented 2 years ago

It's been a while since we focused on UWP for game devs, so the samples may have broke in a way we haven't seen yet.

But first are you trying to publish an Xbox Live Creators game? If so, see

GregSlazinski commented 2 years ago

The problem is that I already invested time into adding support for Xbox live, now I wanted to take advantage of that and use it for cloud saves. I don't want to rewrite the Xbox live yet again using a different API. For the moment I've got rid of Xbox live in my game but also got rid of cloud saves, so I'm sure players will complain once they lose their game saves without backup

LordRiton commented 2 years ago

It's been a while since we focused on UWP for game devs, so the samples may have broke in a way we haven't seen yet.

But first are you trying to publish an Xbox Live Creators game? If so, see

Hello, i'm programing an UWP game also (in C++/CX) for the xbox creators program that i want to use xbox live leaderboard and cloud storage for saving the game state. I also downloaded the "Microsoft.Xbox.Live.SDK.Cpp.UWP" file recently, like Greg. Affter a lot of errors (some link 2019 errors) i finaly could make it compile (by changing visual studio to use V141 toolset, instead of the V143 from VS 2022), but it doesn't seem to work. The game crashes in debug modes, and only run in release, but even then it never shows me a valide user with the silent log in (did not try the other log in that says to bring up a user interface when the silent login didn't work). But i also do not know how to change the sandbox on my Pc to test it on PC. The game launches on my Xbox in dev mode, but also never gives me a user.

I used this link to do it:

I really could use some help, i lost arround 2 weeks already trying to find informations on how to do that user authentification.

Could you please point me on an example on how to do this for C++/CX ? Or do i need to switch to C++/WinRT ? I hope not , this would be a lot of work for me.


LordRiton commented 2 years ago

Does really no one know ?

Uzziel03 commented 1 year ago

It's been a while since we focused on UWP for game devs, so the samples may have broke in a way we haven't seen yet.