microsoft / xdp-for-windows

XDP speeds up networking on Windows
MIT License
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Make XDP eBPF enabled by default #469

Open saxena-anurag opened 4 months ago

saxena-anurag commented 4 months ago

Currently XDP does not register as eBPF extension provider by default, and we need to set XdpEbpfEnabled reg key and restart XDP driver to enable the feature. This issue is to enable it by default so that an extra step is avoided.

shpalani commented 3 months ago

Until this issue is resolved, please add the below instruction to the README file:

  1. 'reg.exe add HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\xdp\Parameters /v XdpEbpfEnabled /d 1 /t REG_DWORD /f'

  2. Version compatibility: ebpf-for-windows v0.14.1 msi version with xdp-for-windows v1.1.0+c10f37fa

shpalani commented 3 months ago