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perf test: continue past errors during cleanup #525

Closed mtfriesen closed 4 weeks ago

mtfriesen commented 4 weeks ago

The new two-machine perf tests specify -ErrorAction 'Continue' for each command within the remote script block, but, curiously, PowerShell treats errors in local and remote script blocks differently. Without digging into why exactly there is such a difference, simply specify each invocation of the remote script block is to have its errors continued.

Avoids situations like the following:

====================CLEAN UP====================

Stopping remote logs...
##vso[task.setvariable variable=NeedsReboot]true
Write-Error: C:\actions-runner\_work\netperf\netperf\tools\two-machine-perf.ps1:289
Line |
 289 |      Invoke-Command -Session $Session -ScriptBlock {
     |      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     | wpr.exe failed: -9840762[88](
Error: Process completed with exit code 1.