microsoft / xdp-for-windows

XDP speeds up networking on Windows
MIT License
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XDP fails to install in netperf lab #527

Closed mtfriesen closed 3 weeks ago

mtfriesen commented 3 weeks ago

XDP is failing to install in netperf both for our own perf pipeline and eBPF.

Installing XDP locally...
VERBOSE: msiexec.exe /i C:\actions-runner\_work\netperf\netperf\artifacts\bin\x64_Release\xdpinstaller\xdp-for-windows.1.1.0.msi INSTALLFOLDER=C:\xdpmsi /quiet /l*v C:\actions-runner\_work\netperf\netperf\artifacts\logs\xdpinstall.txt
VERBOSE: reg.exe add HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\xdp\Parameters /v XdpEbpfEnabled /d 1 /t REG_DWORD /f
VERBOSE: The operation completed successfully.

====================CLEAN UP====================

Stopping remote logs...
##vso[task.setvariable variable=NeedsReboot]true
Write-Error: wpr.exe failed: -9[84](
Stopping local logs...
VERBOSE: Querying OS BuildLabEx
VERBOSE: 20348.1.amd64fre.fe_release.210507-1500
VERBOSE: wpr.exe -stop artifacts\logs\xskbench-local.etl -instancename xskcpu
##vso[task.setvariable variable=NeedsReboot]true
Write-Error: C:\actions-runner\_work\netperf\netperf\tools\two-machine-perf.ps1:294
Line |
 294 |      tools\log.ps1 -Stop -Name xskcpu -Config $Config -Arch $Arch -Etl …
     |      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     | wpr.exe failed: 1
Copying remote logs...
Copy-Item: C:\actions-runner\_work\netperf\netperf\tools\two-machine-perf.ps1:2[96](
Line |
 296 |      Copy-Item -FromSession $Session $RemoteDir\artifacts\logs\xskbenc …
     |      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     | Cannot find path 'C:\_work\artifacts\logs\xskbench-peer.etl' because it does not exist.
Removing WsaRio firewall rule
Removing XDP locally...
VERBOSE: msiexec.exe /x C:\actions-runner\_work\netperf\netperf\artifacts\bin\x64_Release\xdpinstaller\xdp-for-windows.1.1.0.msi /quiet /l*v C:\actions-runner\_work\netperf\netperf\artifacts\logs\xdpuninstall.txt
VERBOSE: msiexe.exe returned 0
VERBOSE: xdp.sys uninstall complete!
Removing XDP on peer...
Removing eBPF locally...
VERBOSE: Uninstalling eBPF for Windows
VERBOSE: msiexec.exe /x C:\actions-runner\_work\netperf\netperf\artifacts\ebpfmsi\ebpf-for-windows.msi /qn /l*v C:\actions-runner\_work\netperf\netperf\artifacts\logs\ebpfuninstall.txt
Removing eBPF on peer...
Write-Error: C:\actions-runner\_work\netperf\netperf\tools\two-machine-perf.ps1:123
Line |
 123 |  tools\setup.ps1 -Install xdp -Config $Config -Arch $Arch -EnableEbpf
     |  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     | Cannot find any service with service name 'xdp'.
Error: Process completed with exit code 1.
Alan-Jowett commented 3 weeks ago

It might be something specific to the pipeline as when I tried to repro this on a clean VM it succeeded.

mtfriesen commented 3 weeks ago

@Alan-Jowett yeah, the XDP installer certainly works; there must be something wrong with the stateful VMs in the netperf lab.