I am trying to create a Windows ACI with 4 cores and 14gb of ram in West Europe or East US but i am unable to do this via the portal i am limited to 2 cores and 7gb.
In the documentation it states that i should be able to do this:
Location | OS | CPU | Memory (GB)
West US, East US, West Europe, North Europe | Windows | 4 | 14
I am trying to create a Windows ACI with 4 cores and 14gb of ram in West Europe or East US but i am unable to do this via the portal i am limited to 2 cores and 7gb.
In the documentation it states that i should be able to do this:
Location | OS | CPU | Memory (GB) West US, East US, West Europe, North Europe | Windows | 4 | 14
Any ideas why i can't??