microsoftgraph / group-membership-management

Group Membership Management (GMM) is a service that dynamically manages the membership of AAD Groups. Groups managed by GMM can have their membership defined using existing AAD Groups and/or custom membership sources.
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Successful Deployment but no jobtable #34

Closed dborchers-gc closed 1 year ago

dborchers-gc commented 1 year ago

Hello, ive deployed the gmm in a new environemnt and after some start-issues th deployment was finished but i have no jobtable in the depending on Storage-Account, any idea?

Here are the Logs:

alrios-ms commented 1 year ago

Hi @dborchers-gc,

The jobs table is not created as part of the deployment, it is created the first time JobTrigger function runs.

If for some reason the table is not created even after running JobTrigger, it is possible to create it from the Azure Portal.
