microsoftgraph / meetings-capture-sample

A Microsoft Teams solution that helps teams capture meeting minute notes inside individual channels
MIT License
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People Picker and Publishing not working #13

Open akanimousoro opened 4 years ago

akanimousoro commented 4 years ago

Succeeding in getting the app to run, however, still having some issues.

  1. People Picker not working properly: The Search for users shows the user, but after clicking Add Attendee, nothing shows up.
  2. The second issue has to do with publishing. After creating the meeting with agenda and tasks etc, im unable to publish the meeting. it gives error error 1 error 2
iiivanov1993 commented 4 years ago

Hi @akanimousoro. For the first issue I experienced the same problem. This is probably because the user principal name (which is an email address) of the user differs from the actual email address of the user. The mgt-person is using the actual email address to search for the person but the people-picker is passing in the user principal name. I was able to fix this for me by changing the following lines of code to pass the scoredEmailAddress of a user to the mgt-person control first. This is in newmeeting.js files, lines 379 and 381 but lines might be different for you. image

For the second issue, I think you haven't fixed the code for onlinemeetings going v1.0. You can take a look at the fixes in this PR

Hope I could help.

akanimousoro commented 4 years ago

Thank you so much @iiivanov1993 for your comment. People picker working perfectly after applying your fix. Publishing new meetings still gives an error even after applying the fixes in PR #9 . Error still points to Graph Api beta version. Any other idea? image image

iiivanov1993 commented 4 years ago

This requests that fail are send by the mgt-person control to fetch the users' photos. They probably fail because the users don't have photos for their accounts. But this shouldn't be the cause for not being able to publish. In your first post I noticed there is another request that fails with 500 Internal Server Error, if you could inspect this it will probably lead you to the endpoint which causes the problem. I personally have not have problems with the Publish endpoint and can't think of what might be causing it. I would advise you to debug the app remotely by modifying the PublishWebapp.ps1 script like this and deploying again:

image Then you can attach a debugger to the App Service in Cloud Explorer in Visual Studio.

akanimousoro commented 4 years ago

Hi @iiivanov1993, having same error when adding pre-read documents(less than 4MB). Cant create meeting when a pre-read document is attached, but once the pre-read documents are removed, i can create meetings.. Any ideas I really need to get this sorted. Thanks image

nitbij commented 3 years ago

@iiivanov1993 - I am facing graph api authentication issue. Do you have any pointers regarding this. Becuase of this all method which have dependency on graph api are failing.