microsoftgraph / meetings-capture-sample

A Microsoft Teams solution that helps teams capture meeting minute notes inside individual channels
MIT License
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Tab authentication #2

Closed TechWatching closed 4 years ago

TechWatching commented 4 years ago

I was wondering how did you handle the authentication to the teams tab containing the application ? I am developing a similar Teams application and don't know how to handle authentication :

Is there some way to only allow access to the web app content in a teams context so that only people accessing the tab in Teams can access the "website" ? What mechanism did you use in this sample ?

TBag commented 4 years ago

The authentication follows the SSO process outlined in the article you linked to.

Startup.cs and the classes in the Helpers folder handles all the auth.

The web app will not work without being loaded in the teams context. There is nothing additional you have to do to ensure it cannot be used outside of the teams context.