Open VadymPavliuk opened 1 year ago
Using a tenant native user with global administrator permissions should work
@VadymPavliuk Did you find a work around using app based auth? I am running into the same issue.
I think the best bet will be to drop attempting to do this with app-based login and instead use proper user login. Is there any reason this is not a viable option for you?
unfortunately it's our only option from a security standpoint for this multi tenant solution.
I'm trying to set Policy recording bot, I did deployed cloud up, now I'm trying to set-up app Instance as per instructions:
I tried this command in few different variations, with same result each time: Access Denied:
I did connect in few suggested ways: Connect-MicrosoftTeams -CertificateThumbprint "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" -ApplicationId "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" -TenantId "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" Connect-MicrosoftTeams - to logic direcrtly Connect-MicrosoftTeams -AccessTokens @("$graphToken", "$teamsToken") - or using acces token.
I was able to connect in all 3 ways, I did assgned nessesary privilegs to the app, and gave roll of "Teams Administrator" and "Global Administrator" at some point. But still I got Access Denied on any of the operations. [Get|Set|New|Sync]-CsOnlineApplicationInstance
I found this article that suggest that this commad is not supported:
I did see on other issue that people were able to run this command. Am I missing something? or there was a changes related to this command? Do I have any alternetives ?
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