Open Khadeer-techie opened 4 months ago
@bcage29 can you help in resolving the issue
I am getting below error
I have changed the code to get the port as the port was null
private static HttpRequestMessage SetAbsoluteUri(this HttpRequestMessage msg, HttpRequest req) => msg.Set(m => m.RequestUri = new UriBuilder { Scheme = req.Scheme, Host = req.Host.Host, Port = req.Host.Port != null? req.Host.Port.Value: 80, Path = req.PathBase.Add(req.Path), Query = req.QueryString.ToString() }.Uri);
Also I to join the call I have used the calls instead of Joincall
Even the API call 200 Success ok but I could not see the Bot joining the call.
When I try to join the call again using the postman I am getting different callId and scenarioId, But the Bot is not added to the call
are you running Visual Studio as administrator?
@jamil-z I tried running Visual Studio 2022 as administrator and the error remains the same.
@Khadeer-techie were you able to solve the issue:- MediaPerf is not registered: no key found at SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MediaPerf\Performance (for local deployment) ?
@ak0037 issue still exists in local
The issue is more on compatibility side As stated in docs
@ak0037 I do have .Net framework 4.7.1 installed in my local box. I am getting error when I run the EchoBot code locally
the issue is with BotMediaLogger.cs since it utilizes MediaPerf key which is specific to Skype Bot Media Platform so you need to have registry for MediaPerf which probably Windows Server 2022 has (but not on Windows 11 or 10).
Hi @ak0037, I work with @Khadeer-techie. When we checked, there's no item with the name "MediaPerf" in Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services.
I added a new Key with the name "MediaPerf" in there and a property with the name "performance", but can you please tell me what should be the value of this property?
The media stack perf counters are not required to be registered and don't need to be used in a 3P application. The error is not a true error and can be ignored. I have logged this with the PG as something to remove from logging.
@bcage29 @jishnuraj-chimera any idea for the issue (But the Bot is not added to the call)? I am facing the same problem. I deployed on Azure successfully and call with success but the bot is not added
While running the Echo Bot locally I am getting below error: [SkypeBotsMediaPlatform][AppId:f05ea5ce-52a9-4efb-9dd4-e99a715c9570][KHADEERKI] MediaPerf is not registered: no key found at SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MediaPerf\Performance
I have used the code which is given in the repo and any steps and one change what I made is I have used cloudflare instead of ngrok. As I was not able to run the EchoBot with ngrok to support http and tcp tunneling.
Below is the sample setting what I have made in launchsettings.json { "profiles": { "EchoBot": { "commandName": "Project", "environmentVariables": { "DOTNET_ENVIRONMENT": "Development", "AppSettingsAadAppId": "f05ea5ce-52a9-4efb-9dd4-e99a715c9570", "AppSettingsAadAppSecret": "mfL8Q~vJsmOk-.Jzu0QSqmZk7gAUdkI-~6.37b~J", "AppSettingsServiceDnsName": "", //"", "AppSettingsCertificateThumbprint": "b0736802816d508d3e40dd9f0db87c6915f953c3", "AppSettingsBotCallingInternalPort": "9442", "AppSettingsBotInstanceExternalPort": "443", "AppSettingsBotInternalPort": "9441", "AppSettingsMediaInstanceExternalPort": "80", "AppSettingsMediaInternalPort": "8445", "AppSettingsApplicationInsightsInstrumentationKey": "InstrumentationKey", "AppSettingsUseSpeechService": "false", "AppSettingsSpeechConfigKey": "SpeechConfigKey", "AppSettingsSpeechConfigRegion": "SpeechConfigRegion", "AppSettingsBotLanguage": "en-US", "AppSettingsUseLocalDevSettings": "true", "AppSettingsMediaDnsName": "" //"" }, "dotnetRunMessages": true } } } Below are the tunnel settings in Cloudflare
Can you help in running the Echbot locally using free ngrok or cloudflare?