microsoftgraph / microsoft-graph-explorer-v4

React/Redux version of Graph Explorer used to learn the Microsoft Graph Api
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Getting "Forbidden - 403 - 1207 ms. Either the signed-in user does not have sufficient privileges, or you need to consent to one of the permissions on the Modify permissions tab" error for "/admin/sharepoint/settings" API #3243

Open BhaveshNakumZymr865 opened 2 weeks ago

BhaveshNakumZymr865 commented 2 weeks ago

Description I am trying to access SharePoint tenant settings with "/admin/sharepoint/settings" Graph API. It was working earlier, but now it is giving "Forbidden - 403 - 1207 ms. Either the signed-in user does not have sufficient privileges, or you need to consent to one of the permissions on the Modify permissions tab" error. I have consented to "SharePointTenantSettings.Read.All" permission, but the error still persists.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to ''
  2. Call '' Graph API with "SharePointTenantSettings.Read.All" permission only.

Expected behavior Response with 200 OK status and data in the response body.

{ "value": { "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.sharepointSettings", "allowedDomainGuidsForSyncApp": [ "bdd1ab9b-3fd0-4def-a761-ec8d7471732c", "ad31vb6b-5zd0-7tyg-m231-kj8d6578432c" ], "availableManagedPathsForSiteCreation": [ "/sites/", "/teams/" ], "deletedUserPersonalSiteRetentionPeriodInDays": 344, "excludedFileExtensionsForSyncApp": [ ".md", ".git" ], "idleSessionSignOut": { "isEnabled": true, "warnAfterInSeconds": 120, "signOutAfterInSeconds": 300 }, "imageTaggingOption": "basic", "isCommentingOnSitePagesEnabled": true, "isFileActivityNotificationEnabled": true, "isLegacyAuthProtocolsEnabled": false, "isLoopEnabled": true, "isMacSyncAppEnabled": false, "isRequireAcceptingUserToMatchInvitedUserEnabled": true, "isResharingByExternalUsersEnabled": true, "isSharePointMobileNotificationEnabled": true, "isSharePointNewsfeedEnabled": true, "isSiteCreationEnabled": true, "isSiteCreationUIEnabled": true, "isSitePagesCreationEnabled": true, "isSitesStorageLimitAutomatic": true, "isSyncButtonHiddenOnPersonalSite": true, "isUnmanagedSyncAppForTenantRestricted": true, "personalSiteDefaultStorageLimitInMB": 113664, "sharingAllowedDomainList" : [ "", "" ], "sharingBlockedDomainList" : [ "", "" ], "sharingCapability": "externalUserAndGuestSharing", "sharingDomainRestrictionMode": "allowList", "siteCreationDefaultManagedPath": "/sites/", "siteCreationDefaultStorageLimitInMB": 808034, "tenantDefaultTimezone": "(UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US and Canada)" } }

Screenshots image

Additional context With the exact same permission, it was working 2 weeks back.